Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's been a {YEAR}

{It was if the fun never stopped!}
It was a year ago today that I pulled away from my house, excited for a new adventure, but more scared then if I had seen a ghost, and crying harder then if my swim suit ripped at a public pool. I was so excited to start a new chapter of my life, but was so scared at what my life was becoming. Was I doing the right thing? How would this turn out? I felt as if I was becoming an adult... Little did I know, there wasn't a whole lot of growing up to be done, just another party to be had! I figured this out pretty quickly and Toni and I have had a total blast. It's been like high school, only way better..!! We've done so much together and {I think I am talking for both of us when I say} that we have both grown so much from each other. She is an amazing girl, daughter, aunt, sister and best friend. She truly is amazing and definitely irreplaceable. However, it did not take me living with her to figure this out, I knew all along. :) It's just re-confirmed it all. I love that girl with all my heart. Along with Toni, I have become amazing friends with her little sister Brooke. I love this girl more then she'll ever know. She is so sweet and adorable to me. She keeps life interesting and laughable! I don't think we would have ever become the friends we are today if I hadn't moved down here. I am so grateful for her and her love. Along with loving these girls, I have become a part of Toni's family. I appreciate them more than they will ever know. They have taken me in as one of their own and shown me nothing but love and kindness. They are the most amazing people and I love them so much. I will be forever grateful for them for their great kindness and hospitality. Moving down here would not have been possible without them. I love you all. Thanks.
{love this girl}
Tomorrow {Monday the 11th} marks the first day I began working as a CNA at Heritage Home. I cannot believe that it has been a whole year already. Crazy. The first week was definitely the most straining, by far one of the most tiring, physically difficult weeks of my life. I was so tired following a 12 hour {early morning} shift but I made it through and began to love it. In just a weeks time, I would get home from work and Toni and I would be playing basketball or making frames. It was no-big deal, I mean, I am a kid! Work was good and I was staying busy. However, summer started to approach I was getting home sick. At first, I did not realize that that was what it was, but later I did. I missed my home and my family, and I was able to go home many times during the summer and see my family which I was so grateful for. Even though I missed my family, I had an amazing summer!! Loved every minute of it. Toni and I went on a last minute road-trip to Cali, just us! Amazing! Went to the lake, Kody got his mission call, we played in the pool and so much more. I had a great summer!!
{Karaoke night at Honolulu Grill!!}
{Called to serve in San Diego, English Speaking!}
{Home for the 4th of July!}
{cause baby you're a firework...!!}
{Happy Independence Day!!}
{Afternoon boating with Kody!!}

{Huntington Pier}

{Venice Beach}
August came along quickly, and along with school, my best friend Kody Davis left on his mission to San Diego, CA. I am forever grateful for this boy and love him to pieces. He's such an amazing missionary and I am so proud of him. Being busy at Dixie State came with no surprise. Now there was for sure not time for traveling home. Between being in the Multi-Cultural Diversity Club, Polynesian Club, school time, work, keeping-up with Elder Davis, and trying to keep a bit a of a social life, I was a bit busy. However, it all worked out; I was able to work enough to pay for my spring semester at school, got pretty good grades and made and kept some pretty great friends. (:

{last hug}
{Dixie State Fountain}
{BYU Football Game with Dallin & Karson!}
{Thriller for Halloween with my girls!}

I was able to drive home for a late-Thanksgiving dinner after work and see my sweet sissy Sherri, along with Ken and Wesley and the rest of my family. It was so fun to see and spend time with them.  My birthday right after and Toni's family {of course} showered me with love and a birthday meal and cake! It was so great. I was 20. Wow. Weird. Next came Christmas. Spending this past Christmas with my family was one of my favorite experiences this year. I loved it and cherish it over any other Christmas. It was amazing. My sister Tammy and her boyfriend Chris came and spent Christmas Eve with us, along with my sister Julia. It was so fun and such a happy memory. I loved it.
{Gingerbread Houses with Toni's Family}

{Christmas Eve with my family!!}
New Years came and past without even looking back. Spring semester came up faster than I wanted it to, but it was here so I had to deal. It started out and I did not know how I was going to make it through. Between English essays, Biology tests and reading for Communications, I was overwhelmed. However, my swimming class kept me sane, in-shape and tan. I have enjoyed that class so much.

{Went up to Brian Head to start off the New Year!}
The night before Valentines Day was the night I needed a friend the most. Toni was there. This is why I am so grateful for her. I was sitting at the kitchen table and she was sitting across from me. I just started to talk and she listened. I layed it all out... she just listened. I couldn't have asked for a better friend that night. Thanks Ton...!!

Valentines Day marked my sweet mothers birthday. For her birthday, I sent her a picture of me with dark hair! This was a good day. My mom has done nothing but support me and cheer me on this past year in all my decisions and heart-aches. I love you mom.

Not long after that I started this blog to show you all my dark hair. I have tried to keep it up best I can..!! {I hope you are all somewhat entertained...} It has been a crazy, fun-loving, totally fabulous year. I cannot believe that I have less than a month left in Spring semester and I could not be more excited. I am so happy I moved down here and can't wait to see where life takes me next...!!

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