Monday, April 18, 2011

Welcome Home {Elder} Adam Harris

Bem-vindo à casa...!! Elder Adam Harris returned from Porto Alegre, Brazil on Thursday, April 14th after a 32-hour flight of stinky feet and uncomfortable seats! He missed his connection in Peru, so then of course from there, he had to catch a different plane in San Francisco to Salt Lake and was 2-hours late coming from Salt Lake to St. George--however, he made it safe and sound!

Thursday night, close friends came over and we partied it up... all night! Literally! At 4am, the last of us finally made it out the door-- with things to do the next day! It was an amazing night! 
Adam gave his homecoming talk this last Sunday. He talked about the spirit and how we need to always keep it close. He began by telling us the story about what happened to his poor face. Friday night, him, Jaron and a few other boys went night four-wheeling. He saw the helmets on the shelf before he left and thought, I should probably wear a helmet. . . but did he grab one? No, of course not! He was out there going off one jump after another, when all the sudden he landed on one of the jumps landing areas really hard and totally busted up his face on his four-wheeler. The lesson to learn here you ask? When you hear the prompting of the spirit {like to grab a helmet}, listen..!! His talk was amazing!

Everyone is happy to have him back and smiling! He looks great, sounds great and will continue to be a great {member} missionary! Everyone is proud of the man he has turned out to be! Well done bud! :)


  1. It was a great day for sure! Just like one big happy family...minus a couple people ;)

  2. How cute! Who is this boy? I love your hair, by the way!!
