Saturday, May 21, 2011

road trip to lagoon :)

The boys & I went on a road trip up to Lagoon this weekend. It was just what I needed; we couldn't have had a better time or better company. We left Friday night & Chase & I stayed at my parents, while Karson & Dallin stayed in Provo.

Chase was able to meet my family & they all really enjoyed him. We all had so much fun catching up. We were up till 2:30am & decided we'd better get to bed if we wanted to have fun at Lagoon that next morning.
Morning came & was filled with the smell of my mommy's yummy french toast & fruit syrup. Dallin, Karson & a friend from Provo, Brittany soon arrived & we were off to Lagoon!!

The first adventure was on the Cliff Hanger. As we were getting off, Karson's seat did not pop-up. At first I thought he was joking & I began to laugh, until I realized he really was stick, then it was hilarious. He was stuck on there for a good ten minutes. We were all off it by then just pointing & laughing at him!! It was too funny.

Karson's niece had a dance competition in one of the pavilions, so we went & watched that & had lunch afterwards. The dance number was so cute!! Loved it.
We had such a fun day & the weather was perfect!! Wasn't too cold or too hot. It happened to be the only day that didn't rain!! Lucky us!! It couldn't have been a better day. :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha that was a great day except getting stuck on the Cliffhanger Lol. Oh and I was on there for more than ten min. :)
