Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Road Trip. Sisters & Omaha

It was at 15-hour drive to the blissful city of a few corn fields, lots of construction in the middle of no-where & no mountains anywhere. . . Omaha, Nebraska. That's right people, for my summer vacation I went to Omaha. . . Ha ha, I know what you're thinking, but trust me, this post gets better..! ;) It was the best trip EVER..!! Seriously, my family is amazing..!!

My sister Tammy and her boyfriend Chris decided to move out there for a change of scenery, new adventure. . . And to be close to my other sister Julia of course. It just so happened, our brother Vince had moved out there just a few weeks ago; So when I told my mom I was going out to visit Julia for a few days this summer, she said, "Okay, but only on one condition." I asked what that was and she exclaimed, "You can't come home saying you are moving out to Omaha..!!" I promised I wouldn't. . . ;)
Tammy and Chris we're driving out in seperate vehicles. Chris had his little sister to keep him awake on the drive, & Tammy had the cats. Luckily, she allowed me to come along for the ride as well. Mmk, sidenote, can I just mention I was up till 3am the night before thanks to a last minute sleepover, that I didn't mind, but that I didn't have time to sleep in for? Can I also mention I stayed awake the WHOLE drive? You could say I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm usually one of the first passed out in the car.
Tammy & I had a lot of catching up & learning to do about eachother, so sleeping was definitely put on the back burner anyway. (:  It was so awesome learning more about her & what she really thinks about life; as well as the people & things that make her life enjoyable After seven years, we'd never found as much time (as we had) to just talk & learn about eachother. It was beyond awesome. Tammy is such an amazing, dynamic, loving, funny & super creative & kind person & sister. Not too mention an amazing singer..!! I'm pretty sure our sisterly love grew leaps & bounds on that small 14-hour drive. (:   

From singing along to Rachel & Kurts, Defying Gravity duet, to having a old guy ask us for a ride to the next town, at a sketchy gas station at 3 am, along with using walkie-talkies to communicate (so fun) we experienced it all. It was finally about noon the following day when we finally arrived in humid, mountainless Omaha. . . Finally. (:

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