Monday, July 18, 2011

Nauvoo, Illinois

 It'd been 8-years since we'd walked the streets of Old Historic Nauvoo. Everything seemed brighter, better and more beautiful than before. The sun was hotter and the spirit of Nauvoo was stronger than ever. The feeling started when we were reminded of the different people in Church History & what they did to help the LDS church become & remain restored. What a great lesson of faith & persistence.
We were then able to walk around the beautiful temple grounds. It was even more majestic than I'd remembered!! It was heart-breaking yet another great lesson of faith to think that in 1846, the Saints built a temple just as big & beautiful & were driven out of Nauvoo soon after it's completion by the state militia. Yet, they had enough faith to leave their homes and all their hardwork and continue on to the Salt Lake Valley. In 2002 the Nauvoo temple was rebuilt & sits on-top of a hill for everyone to see.
After the temple, we went down to the Mississippi River & then we were lucky enough to catch the Nauvoo Pageant!! It only plays through the month of July, so we were pretty excited! It was incredible. Incredibly HOT, but incredible nevertheless. The spirit of Nauvoo really came alive through the phenominal music, the great pioneer story & the awesome casting. We all loved it. 

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