Saturday, April 21, 2012

Alpha Sig Ruby Ball

A night at the ball... 

To end the year, we had a ball, no pun intended. It's called the Ruby ball, because the AΣΑ jewels are the ruby and pearl. So they came up with the not so clever, but consistent name of Ruby Ball. So there's that. 
There was a lot planning and a lot of freaking out. Mostly on my end. The theme for this years ball was "Breakfast At Tiffany's"--yes, it was adorable. I was put in charge of the background for pictures... seems easy enough, rigggghhht? Wrong! I was freaking out! I was going from store to store, trying to figure out what to bloody use for this back drop. Wrapping paper, a sheet, crate paper, curtains maybe? My budget was small, but I was finally able to settle on some tiffany blue curtains I found. Yaaayy! Everyone was happy with how the whole backdrop turned out, so I was pretty satisfied. 

Besides finding curtains, we were all asked to go out and tag cars, apartment doors, anything to get the word out and invite people to the ball. I think there was over 800 invites made and passed out within a night. It was awesome. 

The day of the dance, the social committee, and Mary (she's not on the social committee--but showed up anyway), and a few of the KΣ's came together and helped to put up and do all the decorations! We hung lights, blew up a few hundred balloons, and of course I ironed all my curtains and got those all arranged. We also had big blue boxes wrapped with white ribbons spread about the room. It was held at the Marriott Center in downtown Provo, and it turned out so fun and looked way better than I expected! 

Aaron was my date to the ball, man was I lucky! I definitely had the hottest date! Even though the kid was tired, we had some fun! Of course all the AΣΑ sisters loved him! How couldn't they? And he got to meet a bunch of them too.  We all danced all night till midnight, and by then, people were starting to lose their shoes. We decided to vote for the King and Queen of the night and finish it up with a dance to Louis Armstrongs, What a Wonderful World... 

There was voting and awards up for Ruby Queen, Ruby Princess, and Ruby King. Ruby Princess was for all the first years, who couldn't run for Ruby Queen... Which is fair... cause ya'll know I would've taken it! ;) Instead, I took Ruby Princess and was super psyched for it! I got a crown and everything! 

My big, Skyler, won Ruby Queen and Mary won Ms. Congeniality! Stephanie and Shelcy also won crowns, one was like Duchess Due's (for paying her dues on time) and the other was something else kinda like that... Like Madame Attendance (for having the best attendance record). Ok, they were better names than that, but I don't remember... Soooo, there's that. Ruby King was a gentlemen named Chris Woods, who is in KΣ, and the rest of the boys got honorary awards as well. They were good sports--since you know all the crowning stuff doesn't really matter to them, but means the world to all us girls.

It was a truly wonderful night. 

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