Thursday, March 1, 2012

AΣΑ: The whole story...

A few weeks ago, Aaron asked me, "Do you still blog...?" My reply, "Yeah... but I NEED to update it!" (I am writing this in June... the publishing date just says March, for time reference reasons!) Aaron was not the first to ask in the past few weeks, so I decided I needed to find some time, and I did.
To start off, AΣΑ. Alpha Sigma Alpha. I am officially a sorority girl. Yes, I now have the letters, the friends, the experiences of a lifetime, the drama, the " sorority squat", as well as the hand-on-hip and head tilt combo as a picture is taken, down! I love the girls and the amazing experiences I have had thus far.

The whole story.

This past spring semester at UVU I was walking from one class to the next and still not liking school. Liking it more than the previous semester, but still not enjoying being there. As I was walking by the ballroom, club rush was happening. I had caught it just in time as it was about 1:35, and it ended at 2pm that day. I started on the south end and walked in and around all the tables. AΣΑ was on the north end, so it was one of the last tables I happened to stop at, actually it was the very last table I stopped at. As I approached the table, there were 3 girls in bright red shirts standing in-front of a tri-fold poster with AΣΑ on the top, along with lady bugs and pictures all over it. I then proceeded to ask the girls why I should join their 'club'. One of the girls said, "Well, actually, what are three things you want out of a club?" I said, "Fun... fun.... and probably more fun!" And she said, "Well we have all that here, and lots more!" The girls gave me a piece of paper and told me to attend one of their info sessions and an activity and see for myself what I thought about it all.
It was a Tuesday when I saw the rush table, and they had info sessions all week. However, after I left the table and headed off to my class, I stuffed the paper in the small pocket of backpack and forgot all about AΣΑ and the activities they had throughout the week.

Fridays were my days to study physiology with my study partner, Kalen. We'd gone through the hell of Anatomy together the previous semester, and decided to attempt Physiology together as well. To our surprise, we did much better and learned some better study habits this past semester. Anyways. As we were sitting there beginning to study, I got in the small pocket of my backpack to find my highlighters, pen, sticky notes, etc. As I was scrambling to find these things, I came across that info paper those girls had given me. I looked at it and saw that there was one info session left. It was that afternoon at 3:30. At the time I didn't know why (I do now), but I felt this urge to go. I tried to shun it off and just get to studying. As I was studying though, I kept feeling the urge that I needed to go to that info session. I could hardly study. I finally told Kalen that at 3:30 I had a thing I had to go to for a school thing. He then said, "Well that was super descriptive," in a sarcastic tone. We laughed about it, yet I still didn't offer any more information...

At 3:30 I went to the info session. It was supposed to be in some student center but happened to be back in the library. A couple girls came to the student center to get one other girl (Sammy) and I and take us to the library. There were two or three other girls there, that were not in red shirts= they were potential new members as well. The room was small but there were a lot of us in it. Besides the five of us who were PNM's (potential new members) there were at least 6 or 7 sorority sisters. The things I remember: There was power point presentation on AΣΑ. When Sammy and I first walked in and sat down, Sammy looked around and saw that there were a few of us wearing TOMS and asked if that was just a Utah thing or what. Oh, and there was a girl (Shelcy) standing in the corner offering random bits of information that seemed really helpful. After pamphlets were handed out and questions were asked, I left. More like sprinted out of that room. I went and found Kalen still studying in the library. He saw my AΣΑ pamphlet and said, "Is that what your thing was?" I said yes and then decided to offer up a bit more information. He laughed about it and we went on to study...

That evening they had a 'dance/karaoke party. I went and had a great time. There was a 'dance off' where one of the girls, named Kuppy called me out. I looked like a total freak I am sure, but they gave me a paper plate award for "Best Dancer" or something like that. It was sweet, fun, and the girls were so nice. It seemed legit enough. As I was looking over the pamphlet again over the weekend, I was getting more excited and talking to my mom about actually
joining the sorority. However, as I looked closer at the requirements, it seemed as if I met every one but the overall GPA. You had to have a 2.5. Seemed easy enough, except for that Anatomy had really screwed over my GPA and since I'd only taken 3 classes that semester, and two of them got the exact same grade (both anatomy lecture and lab)-- I was, for lack of a better word, screwed.

A few days later, one of the girls texted me and asked for my student ID number so she could check my grade point average, I gave it to her and then told her my dilemma. She told me to bring her my DSC transcripts that next morning (seeing as my GPA was a 3.79 there) and see what they could do. It was a Wednesday morning when I showed up at school, sitting in the ballroom waiting to see a familiar face. As I was sitting, studying Geology, Kuppy showed up. I gave her my DSC transcripts and she looked at them and said, "You're doing great girl! Everyone deserves an 'anatomy screwed over my GPA semester'" I laughed and was so grateful to hear that. Next thing I know, 5 girls come walking up with balloons and big smiles on their faces. They gave me a folder and a bid!!! They said if I chose to accept it, they'd be so grateful. I said, "okay, yes, I accept..." They gave me the balloons, did a cheer, and I was on my way. It was such a great morning.

That weekend there was a sisterhood sleepover at the Hilton in Orem. It was so fun! We went to dinner, went swimming, painted our nails, and stayed up all night long! It was awesome. I knew I had just embarked on most amazing adventure of my life.

The following week there was a bid dinner. I showed up late, first cause I couldn't find the house, second cause I am prone to running late! But I made it. I was nervous to tell you the truth, but it all went well. They had crepes and it was kinda just a "we want to know more about the new girls" deal. As well as, that night we were revealed who became our "Ruby"--because now that we had accepted our bids, we were officially "Pearls." It's like having a "Big," but sorta not. A ruby is supposed to be there are you go through your first 8 weeks as a new member--to help you learn more about the sorority and what it's really like and about. They are to be there through your rituals and just be your friend and support when needed. Tonight they were revealed. The new members, stood in a circle and were each given a piece of paper--the rest of the girls stood around us each holding a paper as well. Each of us girls had a song on our paper, and we just had to start singing it till the mark on the paper said stop. The song I received was "Girls Just Want to Have Fun..." Perfect right? Yeah, my Ruby thought so too... When I stopped singing Jordan started singing. It was awesome. I was excited for her to be my Ruby. It was a fun night.

That night the New Member Educator (now I know and call my best friend, Mary) came up to us new girls and told us we were going to have to meet once a week and have new member meetings and if we ever had any questions or concerns, we could just give her a call. She then gave us her number and feeling like an idiot I could NOT remember her name for the life of me! I was looking at the other girls for hints or anything, but they didn't remember either. Mary finally looked at me with a smile and a little concern and said, "My name is Mary if you forgot it. Which is fine, cause I am not good at remembering names either!" I did one of those "Haaa hm" laughs. You know the ones where you feel like a complete, embarrassed idiot and know your face is so red it looks like it's been badly sunburnt? Yeah, it was one of those moments. Trust me, I NEVER forgot it after that...

I went through my first ritual a week or two later called the "Phoenix", where I became an official pledge/new member. I was scared to death on my way there. I don't know why, but I was. My mom was out of town, so when I was on my way that late Sunday night, I called her and told her that I was on my way to the ritual. I could hardly say two words before I started to bawl my eyes out! She told me to stop crying because it was going to be okay, and I was going to ruin my makeup. I was finally able to pull myself together and go inside to where the ritual took place. It was so beautiful and inviting and I felt so amazing after it was over.

After it was all over, I realized that the bawling wasn't from just being scared, it was from being excited as well. The tears were tears of joy, that I hadn't seen or felt in so long. The being scared of course came from the new adventure I was embarking on in my life. Was I ready? Would it be what I was missing in my life for the past 9 months? Would these girls stick around and really want to be my friend/sister for life? Yes, yes and yes. Saying yes to the sorority was the single best decision I have made in my life thus far. I would not have changed my decision for anything...

The only way to explain it, is, I was praying for a miracle, and the sorority was my answer. I needed these girls more than anything else in my life, and I wouldn't trade them for anyone. They each accepted me for who I am, faults and all. Every single one of them has helped me grow and become a better person in just the short time that I have known them. I could not have asked for a better, more fulfilling, adventurous, loving, fun miracle than if I would've thought of it myself!

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