Sunday, July 29, 2012

..:grandpa's big 89th & a visit from nebraska:..

The week following Mary's wedding, Julia, Kyle and their friends Ana and Jesus came to visit! Thank goodness cause I needed something to occupy my time now that I wasn't licking envelopes or making flower balls every waking free moment of my life.

It was the perfect time for them to come.

While they were here, Aaron turned 19, and Grandpa turned 89. We went to Bridal Veil for a picnic and hike for Aaron's birthday; and then of course up to Grandma and Grandpa Hawks for Grandpa's big family party. We also went to City Creek for the first time for all of us!! It was in awe, we all were.

I loved having them here.

Jesus found out that people would call Jared, Tiger, short for Tiger Woods--cause he dressed up like him for Halloween a couple years ago, and looked so much like him! So of course he was obsessing over him looking like Tiger for a couple days. It was so funny. He'd say, "take a picture of me and Tiger!" Love that guy. Jesus that is.

Of course saying goodbye is always super cruddy. I'd never cried that hard saying goodbye, probably ever. It was hard. I was going to miss them, a lot. And I always cry when I say goodbye to Julia. It just happens, she's my sister and one of my best friends. But it kind of takes me back now to think, why was I crying so hard? Um, maybe because my other best friend had just gotten married and I had been so wound up in it; and now the thing that had distracted me from the reality, that had happened the week before, was leaving and making me face the reality. Crappy. Of course at the time the crying was seen as situational; either way. 

I. hate. goodbyes.

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