Wednesday, October 31, 2012

..:time for hell... i mean recruitment:..

Oooooh welcome to the most hellish semester ever. Fall 2012. Awesome. I have taken the initiative to re-take anatomy... kill me now! But I am trying my best to suck it and just deal with it.

Next came recruitment. Our recruitment VP decided to give us a three-day notice that she was moving to Texas and she had nothing for recruitment planned... Awesome. Mary took it upon herself to head-up recruitment and somehow it came together great. We all had to work extra hard and get along better than most times, but it happened to worked! We somehow made it through the hell of it and got 14 new members!

Welp, we were down a recruitment VP... Next came president. Bri stepped down as President, so Na'Shaya as the V.P. of Programming and Ritual (she's the VP if the president gets shot) decided to step-up and become the President. So Mary became V.P. of Programming and Ritual, and I was voted in as V.P. of Membership Education. Yes. I became the pledge mom. What a treat... or so I thought!

... I was in charge of those 14 new little ladybugs and man was I overwhelmed! Luckily enough Mary was just that position, so she taught me everything I needed to know and helped me get onto my feet. We made it through the Bid Dinner ( I made the cute little lady bug cupcakes!) and the Phoenix, I couldn't believe it! I was on my way to stardom... well, to making these little lady bug stars, I hoped.

I assigned bigs, and we all got our little(s). There were so many of them, many of us got two, and since I was assigning, I got three! The three best ones (I'm a only a little biased) but obviously they were (and are) pretty great! I was psyched. Lauren was the sweetest little pumpkin I met her while I was at the recruitment table. She was from Chicago and just too adorable for words. I met Carli at our off campus ASA BBQ that we had when school started, she was the brave one. She showed up, all by herself, just to see what it was all about. I don't know if I would've had that much courage. But then again, maybe I did. I showed up to the various activities and an info session all by myself, not knowing anyone or what the hell I may have been doing. She took a chance, and that's what I liked about her! Then there was Charlene. Oh was she a character! I had met her once before the sorority; it was a movie night Na'Shaya had invited me to. I remember going and everyone was playing "draw some" on their iphones. I didn't even have the app! Of course I got it and learned to play pretty quick. I honestly can't remember what movie we were standing in-line for such a long time for, but I remember I sat next to Char and her friend, and they were crack-ups! Char had been in the sorority before, but left before I came in--so she was re-rushing with the other girls. I fell in-love with her. She was too cute and sooooo funny!! I wanted her, bad. One night during rush week it was a movie night. I went to go pick up Mar and on my way to her house hit something that completely punctured my tire!! It was awful. I was almost to her house, got there and my tire was completely flat. To say the least, Nefi drove us to the school (cause Mar's car was stuck in the paid parking till 10pm at the school) and we were late to our own recruitment night. I was sick anyway, and didn't want to be there. I immediately started bitching the second we got there and Char goes, "hey, I use to work at a mechanics, I will totally fix your flat after the movie." That was the moment I totally was in-love with this girl. Whaaaat? A girl mechanic? Brillant!!

Luckily enough, I got the sweetest, most adorable, smartest, strong-willed littles outta the whole group. It comes with the job description I suppose.

Somehow almost all 14 of those girls and I made it through those next 8 weeks and all the classes and things I had to teach them. They took their test to be able to be initiated, we got through Dedication Days, and even a LC visit. The girls were initiated the following weekend.

The night before initiation, Mar and I decided we were going to stay at her parents, since thats where it was going to be. We invited Camee and Madi to stay over too. It was fun. However, Mary and I had this brillant idea to make shirts at the last minute and then stay up ALL night to sew on the letters for our littles. So yes, I had to sew 4 letter shirts and she had to sew 3. We were up till 3:30AM, and initiation was at 8. Supposedly. 

Of course initiation morning is always nuts. Obviously. Girls started arriving at 7:45AM and we were not ready yet. Initiated members were still trying to set up and running around kind of like a chickens with their heads cut off. Seriously. It was nuts... but of course it got even more nuts when I get a call that Carli and Lauren had blown a tire on the freeway! Awesome. So Carli says her dad's coming to fix it. We said we'd wait... Even though we told them we were literally locking the door at 8AM, don't knock, if you're late, you do not get initiated. Period. So I'm thinking okay, great, it'll be fine... until I get another call that Lauren is a freaking bloody mess... UM WHAT? Yes. A bloody mess. All I could think was, they of had to of gotten in a accident. These were my little babies! I was freaking out to say the least.

They finally got to Mary's.

We had them pull up to the garage and I had Na'Shaya deal with the rest of the girls. Charlene, I and a couple of the other girls tried to help clean Lauren up a bit. The story is: the girl decided she was going to try and run down the side of the freeway to get help... and she tripped, broke her heel and fell down the arroyo area on the freeway; hit hard on her legs, elbow and even hit her head. She was a disaster!! The poor thing was trying to keep it together, but to say the least, pouring that hydrogen peroxide on all those nasty cuts was making her scream louder and squeeze my hand tighter than a person tightens their belt and yells on a 1, 000 ft. roller coaster.

Somehow we got through initiation in one piece and through breakfast afterwards without getting kicked out of the joint. When you get that many girls together, quite is not the first thought that comes to mind... at all.

Being Pledge Mom was hard. Period. It wasn't easy; but what is these days? Was it rewarding? For the most part I suppose. Would I do it again? Doubt it. One pledge class was enough for me!! But before you know it, November was here and elections were up for a new set of sisters in executive and chair positions...

So the journey began.

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