Saturday, May 4, 2013

[may day]

So, around the world, May 1st is known as May Day. A little history about it, is it actually started back in the pre-Christian times when they would celebrate Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers. When Europe was conversed, many of the pagan celebrations were abandoned and Christian ones came about, now in Europe they celebrate a more secular May Day where they crown a queen and dance around the maypole. They even celebrate  May Day in Romania!

Here in Hawaii May Day is also known as Lei' Day... and it's a BIG deal. In downtown Honolulu they have a huge parade and where they elect a queen, people dance and sing, face painting, etc. Also, they have a huge lei making contest, with colors galore and some of the most beautiful lei's you've ever seen... SADLY, I did not know about this awesome all-day celebration till the next day when my Hulu teacher decided to tell our class, and apologize for not bringing us along or even informing us of this marvelous day. I was sad we missed it, but if I'm ever here again at the 1st of May, I'll definitely be attending.

America in the 40's.
So the point of this post? Well first off, I'm sure you learned something you didn't know about, and second, yesterday, the 3rd, the Elementary school put on a big May Day Celebration at the Polynesian Culture Center. It was free, and freaking amazing. Seriously. First off, I was like, yeah, no, I'm not going to that, that sounds lame... but my sociology teacher was making us write a paper on it, so I'm like really? So I had to go... and am so glad I did! All the different grades danced dances from different countries and different time periods. Their outfits were all matchy matchy and seriously, these kids put in a lot of time and effort and it paid off. I've never been so impressed with a school program, ever. I can't even explain the magnitude of these dances. It was awesome. I wish I would've taken more pictures! But here are a few that I took!
ABBA: This was obviously my favorite!!!
At the end they had all the 'royalty' and everyone come and dance with them, all the other grades were lined-up in the aisles doing all the moves, along with the people on the stage. It was seriously cool.
kisses from the sea xoxo

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