Sunday, July 21, 2013

back to school!

Back to school it is! This week was my first week back in school and I somehow made it through. Those 7AM classes everyday are gonna be a killer... But only 6 more weeks! I got it right? Right. 

I have a music class three mornings a week and listening to Classical music that early in the morning for two-hours is a snooze feast, but it's fine. The other two mornings I have Dances of the Pacific. So in that class I am learning Tahitian, Samoan, New Zealand and Tongan dances and chants. It's a good time and at least I'm moving for that hour and a half. I have one afternoon class twice a week as well. It's a three hour class so that's a killer! But it's Developmental Psychology which is pretty cool. I like it, and we were told we have to write a 15 page autobiography. At first I was like, um yeah no that sucks.. But after I thought about it and started writing stuff down, I got super excited. First off, who knows more about my life than me? This is going to be the easiest paper I've ever written. I can't wait to start writing it.. Well maybe I can, since I haven't started yet! 

The have one more class as well, it's online and is called Life Management. It's all about exercise and getting your life in order. Which brings me to getting started on that. I've been meaning to get back into an exercise routine ever since being here and I haven't done very well at it. I mean, I walk almost everywhere anyway, or ride my old roomie, Marissa's bike, but I know I need to do more. So I started back at the pool this week. I've always loved swimming, and when you can swim in a no wave crashing, sand crazy, seaweed growing pool [even with the ocean a 10-minute walk away] you do it. It was taking that first step to get there and now I want to keep going back. I love the pool. I forgot about the high I get from swimming laps; lets hope I don't forget again. 

Side note.. I had the perfect messy bun this week. Having good hair days here is almost impossible... But I had taken a nap Friday after my early morning class and bam, it was perfectly "messed" afterwards. I was psyched.. so I went on a bike ride. Jokes, I went on a bike ride cause I needed the exercise and tooth paste at the store, but seriously. The bun and curls guys. 

I worked a lot this week, I mean 25 hours being a lot [being that we are only supposed to work 19 during school] but it's good. I need the hours, so I just shut my mouth and clocked-in. We had a Halo 4 Tournament on Friday, it was crazy fun. We passed out flyers and put up posters throughout the week. I decided to make "table-tents" for the caf, Aloha Center and Seasider [a little snack bar in the aloha center]. My boss was seriously so impressed and so were my co-workers. I was like, you are the one who hired a sorority girl... this is what we do, haha. 

So for some reason they decided to have a girl run the score keeping.. they thought it would be a good idea.. So this sorority girl was in charge of it. I had a pretty good system going and it somehow it all worked out. We had a good turn out and everyone seemed to have a really good time, so yay team!!  Oh, I almost forgot the best part.. So my co-worker Kathryn I've told you about, she was dying for a Coke. She wanted to text our co-worker Senic, that was coming in at 9. I finally texted him and asked him if he'd bring us a Diet Coke and a regular. He wouldn't text back for a while, [later finding out he was in the shower] so I texted him again and said, "I hear Kathryn gives kisses for coke!!" He was all excited and said, "do you too?" I said, sure do! His reply, "I'm on my way." This kid! Hahaha. We died laughing. He showed up, saved the night and yes.. Received a couple kisses.  
I saved the best for last to tell you about the cutest video my sister sent me of her and my nephew!!!! I died. He's seriously getting so big. He's the most precious little buddy ever. I miss him like crazy!! 

Welp, this week I'm looking forward to two exams and two presentations, already... Oh and a lot of reading!!! Wahoo... 
Have a fabulous Sunday and week peeps! 
Kisses from the sea XOXO

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