Sunday, September 8, 2013

last week of summer.

It was officially my last week of summer this week. Crazy. I know, I know, I live in Hawaii, so technically it's summer year-round... Right? Wrong! It's not when you're going to school and taking 15 credits, with 3 of them being Chemistry. Kill. Me. Now. 

So that's the story, summer is now over and Fall semester starts tomorrow. [Which means only 97 days till I fly home for Christmas, yay!] This past week had some great times and a few not so good. But the great definitely outweigh the not so good. Here's my week in pictures, enjoy.

huge, ugly bruise thanks to not paying attention while throwing the bowling ball down the lane... 
New Student Orientation for the 1500 newly admitted students! Like Sorority Recruitment for the Game Center, only tons more people, was not as intimidating, and we didn't have to match!

I am so blessed to have been here this summer and have all the experiences I've had as well as meet all the people I've meet. Not to mention being able to have two of my best friends come visit me as well as met another life-long friend. How did I get so lucky? I am so blessed and am so grateful for all the love and support I have received from my sweet mother and the rest of my amazing family while being here. Thanks to my sweet sisters for always wanting to share my "happy moments" and listen to my boy news, wouldn't know how I would get through life without my sisters! I love my family so much and have never been more grateful to call that crazy bunch, mine. 

Now to get through the first week of school, wish me luck!

Kisses from the sea xoxoxx

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