Sunday, May 29, 2011

missionary by example.

Today the lesson was on missionary work. Many women shared different experiences & opportunities they have had to share the gospel. What they do in their lives to be a good missionary. Some talked about their conversion stories & how just one person changed generations. Others talked about talking to non-members about things that they might have in common; such as a belief in God or standards they may set for their children.

While sitting there, all I could think about was 'missionary by example.' I personally think that being an example is the most important along with sometimes the most trying way to be a missionary for the Church.  I immediately thought about work & one of my former co-workers. We are really good friends & have done a lot together; including going to the pool. She had asked why I didn't wear a bikini & a few other things &  I explained why. Ironically, her mom preferred she didn't either. One day I came rushing into work & hadn't had time to change into my work clothes yet. I was wearing shorts & a sleeveless shirt. As I was sitting down at a table putting on tennis shoes she asked me, "So why is it okay to wear that shirt, but it's not okay to wear spaghetti straps?" I looked at her & said, "it's not; we aren't supposed to wear these shirts without shirts underneath them." As I was answering the question, I felt terrible. I immediately thought to myself, what kind of example am I setting for this girl, really? Did I have the image of God in my countenance? Was I representing the church in the way I had been taught? I knew then that I needed to become a better example.
This co-worker & I are great friends & have learned so much from each other. We have cried about our rainy days & laughed about them days later! We have joked & somewhat argued about religion (especially when I tried to explain Joseph Smith & the Book of Mormon); but all-in-all, she respects everything I believe & I her. I am grateful for her & the friendship we have developed.

Mentioning you're a Mormon & passing on a Book of Mormon are great ways to plant seeds & bring people into the gospel of Christ. However, I think that if we can all remember that the people around us are watching & looking for us to be shining examples & exemplify the gospel of Christ; that the peace, love & example they see & feel will thus open the lines of communication about the gospel & the teaching opportunities will become numerous. I testify that being a missionary by example, not only benefits the people you're surrounded by, by silently teaching them about the gospel; but it strengthens your testimony of the church & the truths of the scriptures.  

Become a missionary by example & see how much your testimony grows.

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