Friday, August 19, 2011

Good Ol' Oak City Days

When I first met Dallin & Karson, all they talked about was "Oak City Days'' and how I HAD to go. They gave me almost a years-advanced notice so I wouldn't miss it!! Yes, I've had this past weekend scheduled out since last October!! And let me tell you, I have never seen anything quite like Oak City Days...
Horseshoes was the boys 'big speciality'. That's what they did & that is what they practice for all year long!! Karson's father and uncle are the big competition to beat, so the boys wanted to make t-shirts to try and intimidate, at most, their opponents. So when I arrived, my job was to actually draw the pictures and write on the shirts!! Ha ha ha, ya, that was fun. 
The boys did not beat their arch-enemies, but did have fun and did really well in the competition anyway. It was actually pretty entertaining to watch, once I understood the scoring system!!

We went on a 4-wheeler ride to go drink some fresh, spring water... and on the way back, there was a sudden down-pour!!! It was crazy and super wet!! It stopped just about as fast as it came, and we just laughed!!

There were a some booths set up with handcrafted goods and homemade yumminess. Along with fun booths for the kids and big blow-up slides too. However, coolest thing they had for the kids was this make-do, black bottomed, rectangular pool with trout in it!! They would call the kids by age groups, and they could get in the pool and squirm around to catch a fish with their hands. It was hilarious!! The kids absolutely loved it!!
In the late afternoon, we went back to Dallin's house. Before we even make it inside, he saw a couple shot-guns on the side of his house and says, "let's go shoot some doves''. Um, okay! So we did. We just waltzed on back to his big, open-spaced backyard and shot a dove! Well, Dallin shot it. It was just flying through the sky... and bang!! Ya, I don't have that skill!! Dinner and a volleyball game, right there in Dallin's yard then took place and OMG--we had so much fun!!! 
At the end of the long day, there was a dance... No, not a college 'get down on it' dance, try going back to the 1940's. Live band with the slow old timer songs. If you have seen the movie Baby Boom with Diane Keaton, when she is living in Vermont and goes to the little town dance--that is exactly what this Oak City dance resembles! {And if you haven't seen that movie, go watch it!! It's too cute.} Anyway, the big thing to do is the Quadrille! The boys had told me about it for months now, so we had to go! It is this fun, I can't really explain-it dance. They gave me a quick run-down of how it works and then you just go!! You couple up and then get into groups of eight. You then dance and prance and swing around--and oh my heck, it was the most fun I've had dancing probably ever!!!

We went home that night and the three of us sat on the back porch and pondered over the stars and constellations they made. Also the world and how things just really are. The sky was beautiful!! After a few hours of that, Dallin and I slept out in a tent in his backyard {because his little house was pretty crowded with all his brothers and sisters and their families home}-- and we just stayed up and talked till we couldn't talk any longer. The weather was perfect and the crickets were nice and LOUD!! 

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