Monday, July 22, 2013

peace & beauty ///

Late Saturday nights that turn into 2:30AM early mornings, a few hours of sleep and 8AM church turns into a loooong napping afternoon. Today was unbelievably hot. I love the warm weather, obviously... so it was fine. Okay church, catching up with the family and then a not so long nap, but long enough called for some homework time. Jokes, who does that? A few friends and I went to walk around the Temple Grounds and go into the Visitors Center. It was kind of coincidental because the first Sunday I was here in Summer A, my roomie Marissa and I and her friend [who is now also my friend] Robyn went to the Temple. It was just a great way to start the new semester. Point being, it was just nice to go to such a peaceful place and just contemplate life and everything that comes along with that. // Not forgetting to mention it was a beautiful evening.

Honestly, after this past week, I didn't know how I was going to make it through the next 6 weeks. I mean, it's only 6 weeks. But then comes Fall Semester, which yes, is not as fast, but it is filled with even more classes. What was I going to do then? I was starting to freak myself out... Not to mention I feel like I've been in college for a freaking decade!  A breather after the first week was definitely what I needed. It might not help that I've been thinking about going home for Christmas like every day for the past two weeks and that I may be on my period here soon. But seriously, I needed some sanity. I knew that just being at the temple, I could receive that sanity, even for just a little while. Obviously, this was all subconscious. I just mostly wanted to get out of my hot room at the time. But after sitting on a bench outside and just listening. Listening to the wind through the trees and the people scuffling up and down the stairs, I knew, I just knew that everything was going to be okay. All my worries were gone, and I was at peace.

Today I got some, well, news. I was trying to figure out my life plan, what I wanted to do. What did I want to do? Finish. I wanted to finish. 

Once I have completely made up my mind about this news, I will share. Until then, you'll have to sit on the edge of your seats.. Cause it's still setting in here in my own mind. My emotions are a jumble of tears and heartache and yet at the same time, full of excitement, joy, determination and relief. I promise to share soon. 

For now, check out this photo overload of the most beautiful flowers and evening that turned into night with the most spectacular full moon and stars galore.


can you see the beautiful moon just above the palm leaves?

I almost forgot the best part of the day. At lunch I was really feeling dessert. A chocolate cookie, cake, something. I don't crave the dessert in the caf... like ever, cause it's not that great. But they had chocolate cake and I was like, whatever, maybe it'll surprise me... well it didn't. It wasn't great. I looked at Honu and was like, "Can we please go over to your sisters house and have her make her yummy chocolate cake... PLEASE!" She just laughed.. After the temple, we stopped at Puna's [her sisters] house and what was on the stove? Yummy chocolate cake. Whaaaaat? Honu hadn't said a thing to her.. she just knew! I died... and ate two pieces of that chocolate cake. 
"Fat Kid Problems" I know.. but it was ooooh so good!!
 I better get back to the books. I hope you all had a great Sunday.
Kisses from the sea xoxoxoxo

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