Saturday, August 31, 2013

bye to my bbbb.

Finals week along with work, my best friend leaving, checking out and into my new hale and  never sleeping? Yes, that happened this last week and I was not a huge fan peeps, not a fan. But somehow I made it through the week without completely dying. A few small melt downs was inevitable, but I am actually pretty psyched about how well I kept it together most of the week. It was unbelievably stressful, and yet, I would not have changed the time I spent with the people and places I spent it with-- for anything. Someone special recently taught me, "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." That is pretty much the point when I said, "screw finals--I'll figure them out when I can." My favorite quote and mantra for life has always been, "No matter how busy you are, always make time to make the other person feel special." So this past week, you know I lived that to the absolute fullest and let my friends know how much I love them and they meant to me.

So seeing as we spent just about every waking... and sleeping moment together [except for the 30 minutes I made Senic come and pick her up to run errands... and I threw her a little surprise going away party at work on her last night] this past week, here's the Kat and Kristina photo overload... Sorry... but not really.
I won't go into the whole sob fest, but saying goodbye to Kathryn AKA Beyonce [she thinks they are related--and it did not take long to convince me that I think they are too] this past Thursday night killed me. I mean, we all know how bad I suck at goodbye's, so this one was a heartwrencher for sure. Lets be honest, we were literally trying to figure out how we could be sisters the night before she left... since we are already calling each other so. Saying goodbye to this one flat out sucked! But I got lucky enough to be able to go drop her off at the airport. Of course we were running late, she wanted curbside drop off I said HELL no [but in a nicer tone] and once we got in there one of her bags was over weight 11 lbs and the other 5 lbs. So we had to shift around a bunch of crap and luckily they moved us to the front of the check in line since she was going to miss her plane... and then of course she gets to the gate and the plane is broken and they have to board a new plane! But all I could do when she was freaking out on the way and before we left was think, Mary totally had to deal with this... except for I was sobbing the whole time. Luckily, I had a best friend that could deal with me and just kept saying, "It's going to be okay, I promise," as well as make sure I got onto that plane... So thanks to Mar, I was able to know exactly what to say and do to get this best friend on her plane. Even though everything in me wanted her to not make that flight, that sick thing people call "love" made it so I pushed her to get on that plane more than ever. Mar said when I was leaving, "I knew we only had once chance and if you did not get on that plane, you weren't going." Pretty much same deal here, thus the "you're going to be great, it'll be okay's" all the way from the wedding reception she had to attend to the second she went through security. Nevertheless, she will be great in Utah, I just know it. I am going to miss her everyday, especially at work... and everywhere else in my daily life will never be the same without her-- but luckily between snapchat, facetime and every other form of contact, we will be golden... just like all the other sisters from other misters I have... okkk literally every single one of my sisters is from a different mister. Just let that sink in and sleep on that.
Recognize the shirt? Oh you best believe it's hers... being my gypsy self and stealing her clothes and wearing them if they fit me. Jokes, she gave me this one being that she was wearing it the first time we started really becoming great friends. It has her number and name on it... which means it's totally a special shirt, but she wouldn't let me not take it. So of course I wore it all day and then slept in it that night..  mostly cause I was too tired to even sleep in my own bed that night, not even bothering changing my clothes... mostly.
Well just in case you didn't care, finals went fine I suppose. I am  not looking forward to Fall classes--cause Chemistry I feel is going to kick my royal asssssssssss... tips anyone? I already have an assignment due in the class before it even starts... Yes, I got it the beginning of finals week... What the crap right? So yes, if there are less posts after Fall starts because I am dying via Chemistry and the 6 other classes I am taking... Forgive me. 

I have officially moved into my new room. It is in Hale 8--which is a BRAND-SPANKING NEW Hale. Just built this summer and ready for Fall. Luckily. They are beautiful! I am psyched. I'll post up photos soon! 

Now for my 10 day beach day break. 
Kisses from the sea xoxoxx

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