Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Last semester.

Last semester I wanted to die. I have never been more overwhelmed and or busy in my life.

Welcome to a new semester, new me. I watch movies with my roommates, I actually go to the beach during the week and I actually know what the word "fun" is. Last semester was rough, this semester is 100 million times better. Not so stressed. I am taking Biopsychology (which I absolutely love), Personal Finance (online) and my senior capstone psychology class, 490 (where I actually conduct my study that I developed all last semester). I am also taking personal research and I am doing Neuropsychology, which I love as well.

I have started collecting data for my research project which is, "How Financial Assistance Effects Students GPA." I have 43 of the 150 students I need, and I just started yesterday (and have 4-weeks to collect data). So I am just going to keep going and pushing along, because I want to finish collecting data in less than 3-weeks! (But we will see).

So for now, I am having fun (but still working hard) and actually enjoying my last semester at BYU-Hawaii. I can't believe I am actually graduating in April. It's gonna go by real quick.

This past week Toni came to visit me, just cause--and it was awesome! We had a lot of fun and she did not walk away with a sunburn like she did when she came to visit me the first time after coming to Hawaii. It was a lot of fun, and I completely wore her out, but it was great.

Here's some pictures from the awesome week we had last week!

First we went on an awesome hike to the Lanakai Pillboxes!

 Then we went over to watch Pipe cause there was a huge swell that came in.

And we ate sooooooo many sunflower seeds, whoops. 

 Then we went to Chinamans Hat and my gopro was dead... but luckily my friend Justin that came with had his and got a picture of all my roommates and Toni and I at the little secret cave behind Chinamans Hat.
And here's on the top of the Hat of the Chinaman. 
We did a lot of other things... but these were just some of the highlights of a few of our adventures we went on this past week! More to come at a little later date!  

I promise, but no I am serious, I promise I will be way better at blogging this semester. :) 

Kisses from across the sea xoxox

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