Thursday, March 19, 2015

catchin' up. i know i said i would be better.

Okay, okay... I know I said I would be better at this whole blogging thing this semester... but instead I got super busy with having fun and side-tract... So here's some catching up! You're welcome haha. I thought I would catch everything up before finishing up this semester!

So... After Toni came, I have been doing some fun things... like, the Pali Puka. This hike is at the Pali lookout, off to the side and UP! High-up. I have been wanting to do it for sometime now, but it is a ways away from where we live and in the middle of the island, so we just hadn't made it down, but I was finally able to convince my roommates and Dan to go and drive up, and they LOVED it. Obviously. It was scary, I mean you are climbing up the Pali people... It's a HUGE cliff on your right side, and not so safe on your left... but man was it worth it! So awesome.
               This is the bottom of the hike... ^^^
This is the TOP of the hike! ^^^

All my love. Kisses from the sea xoxoxxxx 

[look down at the next few blog posts that I updated and posted as well!]

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