Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'll be home for Christmas...

Christmas creeped up faster than I would have liked it too! It didn't seem as if I had much time to prepare for it, but on the other hand, being able to be home this season-- all season with my family and loved ones definitely made up for the quick December!

We definitely missed Julia this year!! We missed all of the family that wasn't able to make it out! Mark was able to make it out to Sherri and Kens, which was awesome! Dan was out driving in Texas, and Lisa was in Ohio with her boyfriend Blake. We are just spread all over the place! Hopefully one of these days everyone will be able to all make it out to moms place!

Aaron, Jared and I all had to work Christmas Eve till 3pm (that's when the Firehouse closed). It was so nice to leave there by 3:30 and have the rest of the evening. I went to Midvale and picked up Tams and loaded all the millions of presents in the back of my car! It's a good thing I cleaned it out a little, cause we barely fit them all in! We then headed home where we ate some pizza and made our little gingerbread village!! It turned out adorable!

Afterwards, we messed around, read a Christmas book about why Christmas Tree's Aren't Perfect (which is adorable by the way) as well as opened our pajamas and funny presents! Our funny presents are usually inside jokes that our mom has with us throughout the year, so they are always pretty funny to the person receiving it! We then watched some movies and stayed up late! Tams and I stayed up till 4 am talking, and let me tell you, having to set an alarm to wake up Christmas morning and jumping on the boys to get up is becoming a yearly routine!

We were downstairs by nine and had the great Christmas morning... :) Aaron got a hot cocoa maker with all the fixing! The boys got me a Kindle, and we got Jared clothes! We ate yummy french toast and bacon put that hot cocoa maker to good use! We then watched The Christmas Story and laughed soooo hard! It was awesome! We then got ready and headed up to Catherine's! We spent the rest of the day up there and loved it. We played poker and water spoons, watched Elf, ate prime rib, did a Gingerbread and Times Square puzzle and laughed, a lot! It was a great Christmas day!!

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