Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Date Night {Great Night}

Toni and I were going to have a girls night; however, the boys decided they wanted to pull together a dinner instead {that we suggested it of course} and they pulled it off!! Miah picked Toni & I up and escorted us to Chase's place, where he had made us: homemade stuffed Malibu Chicken, salad from the garden and green beans. It was really yummy...!! Toni of course then wanted dessert (I mean, we all did, Toni was just the one to admit it)--so that then lead us on our little adventure to Farmers Market to pick up some eggs & then over to Miah's house where we got the movie "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World."  As we were walking out of his house, Toni and I both spotted the sidewalk chalk on the ground and of course we couldn't resist! We both picked up a piece and started drawing. :)
We all drew our own little individuals pictures, and then Toni suggested a big scenery picture. So what did we draw--no, not a tropical island like I suggested (I drew my own) no, we drew a desert. Yes people, a desert. We apparently don't see enough of the one we live in. With all of our creative skills combined we made a pretty good one. Chase had never drawn with sidewalk chalk before; so of course Toni let him know he missed a big chapter of childhood!!

    We then got a hold of a camera. . . . so of course we went picture crazzzzzzzzzzyyyyyy.....!!!! 
We went back to Chase's place, made some yummy cake cookies with reeses peanut butter cup chips and chocolate frosting. They were so good it seemed like a sin to eat very many. We then watched Miah's favorite movie, the infamous "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World." I guess if you are into video games, you would love it, if not, it's just. . . . interesting.
 It was a great night! Great food, awesome company, funny conversations, just pure fun...!! Being able to spend the evening with my best friend was priceless we don't do it enough. Being able to share that night of laughs with two boys, that make us smile--bonus! :)

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