Monday, June 20, 2011

sisterly love. (:

Lunches, walking & shopping is what we like to do; spending money, gabbing & buying cute shoes is what we do best!

Best shopping story: We walked into a store called Delia's. We're trying on clothes & just having fun. The girl helping us was a little pushy, but seemed to be a really nice girl. As I was paying, she asked me for my zip code, I told her I was out from out of town & asked Julia what her zip code was. Julia gave it to her & then continued to pay for her stuff. The girl then asked me, "so what are you doing here from out of town?" I told her, I was visiting my sister. She then says with a rather confused but loud voice says, "Wait, you guys are sisters?" We looked at each other & said, yes! Her eyes get big and her arms fly up & she says in a rather boisterous voice, "You guys look nothing alike, like NOTHING..!!" We looked at each other, I think both a little stunned at how ridiculous this girl was sounding. Julia then said, "We have different moms. . ." With a relieved, almost, aha moment the cashier says, "Oh, I see; Okay, that makes A LOT more sense." We walked out of the store & just laughed!! Wow, some people are so ignorant.

Omaha was was amazing. I loved being with my sisters. They truly are the best. We had so much fun & learned so much about one another. All I could do was smile while I was with them; they make me so happy. I know this is a total sappy post, but seriously! I love them.

Leaving them was waaaaay more difficult than I ever imagined. Tuesday morning Julia came home from work to take me to the airport & you know me, I lost it. Cried all the way from Omaha to Denver. Pathetic! However, it worked out, cause the girl next to me on the plane, didn't even ask.

However, I definitely ended my adventure in Omaha with a bang!! My last night there, a big storm rolled into town, equipped with tornado sirens & all. People were standing out on their deck watching it take over the evening sky, us included. It was intense. Honestly, I was scared outta my pants! Of course I tried to act a little calmer on the outside, but on the inside the feeling "run like hell" pounded through my veins. Luckily, we survived & not much harm was down in Askarben (Ya, it's Nebraska backwards) village, thankfully! But I can't say that for some of the other towns. :/ We were definitely lucky!

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