Thursday, July 21, 2011

{Return} to Colorado.

 Of course, we couldn't just go see my three siblings in Omaha and not go see the one in Granby! So it was off to see my favorite sister, {without red hair} Sherri & our little Wesley. I couldn't believe how much more Wesley was talking since seeing him only 4 weeks ago! It was insane! He was calling me Aunt T {Cant say Tina yet...} and even said Jared!! It was awesome!! Wesley immediately fell in-love with Jared and Grandpa Dan. And Yama loved playing with her boy!! :) We went to Grand Lake & then up 12,000 ft. to check out the Continental Divide. It was a little chilly, but an awesome drive. :) We admired all the flowers in Sherri's beautiful garden, ate her yummy strawberry shortcake, laughed & laughed, had some much needed sister talk, played at the beach, checked out her boat, laughed some more & even fit in Tangled. (: I loved being there with Jared & watching him interact with Wesley. It was too cute!! We had an awesome time!!  

After 45 hours of driving & ipod time, we all made it through the trip with hopefully no long-term damage & only a few bruises. ;) Haha, really though, it was an awesome trip. Thanks mom & dad!!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! Love the pictures (especially those of Wesley!!!) Can you e-mail them so I can copy them???? Thank you!!!
