Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy {18th} Birthday Aaron! (:

Happy Birthday to my little brother Aaron!! He's 18! Can you believe it? The kid is not only a good driver, a hard worker & as adorable as ever, but he is a great kid that loves his little brother & family so much. He loves going on family outings & takes Jared with him wherever he goes. I love being with him & our baby brother! We all have a total blast together.  He is the sweetest little brother a sister could ask for. . . unless he's tired, then I just want to punch him in the face. ;)

I was able to be home for Aaron's birthday this year & I was so happy I was. We went out to lunch, went to a movie & then off to dinner. We had a great day together. I am so excited for this kid & what he has in his future! He will be leaving on his mission in a year and is going to go far! I am so proud to call him mine!

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