Friday, October 14, 2011

Wow, October Update!!

Life has been completely insane! I can barely think in full-sentences anymore, let allowed speak them! So you'll have to bare with me. Hopefully my writing skills will be better than my speaking and thinking skills!

All in all, I am generally liking school. UVU is huge and there are so many nice people, which is great! I am excited fall came back to us, that horrid week of snow scared me for a bit there. I love the colors of the leaves and the cute boots girls start to wear! I love the bright orange colored pumpkins and the corn fields filled with scary people (okay, I lied--I actually HATE the corn fields filled with scary people, but I like the thought of them being there, cause it make this time of year that much more exciting!). The snow-tipped mountains and the beautiful drives through the changing leaf canyons are my favorite!

Well, this fall semester... You all know I am going to UVU... now where do I start! As I've mentioned before, I am taking Anatomy and it's required lab... and it's kicking my royal trash! I don't know how people do it! I know I'll make it through, but my brain has NEVER had to process this much information, in such a short period of time, EVER! It's insane... I can't even begin to explain how much time and energy I literally put into this one class. I am pretty sure it might qualify as the last legal form of torture... and I'm paying for it!! Literally, I am paying for these people to stuff all this information down my throat... ya, I do not have an idea why I'm wanting to be in the medical field. I'm thinking about just becoming one of those people that travel the world and blog about... and get paid to blog about their adventures! What do you think? I'm loving the idea!

Besides Anatomy and it's gosh awful lab filled with nasty smelling cadavers (yes people, I get to play with dead bodies for over 8 hours a week...), school rocks! I am taking a Psychology 1010 class that is more like "The Colbert Report (and other silly clips) 101" and I love it. I don't learn a whole lot, but it's eaaaaaaaaaaassssyyyy!! Thank the dear heavens above! I also just finished-up the most awesome golf class (it was only a quarter class); but it was fabulous!! We had amazing weather (with the exception of one day) and the people were great!! I just played my last 9 hole game (for class) this week with this guy, named Tyson. Who is adorable (I know you were all wondering...) It was definitely my favorite game, by far! Just he and I... the sun... our clubs... and tons of time to talk about anything and everything (and we did!!!) I'm not going to say that I am the next Tiger Woods... but I do know a few more things about golf, and can now get a ball off the ground with about any club!! The 7 iron is definitely my 'money' club! ;)
Institute is my only other class (since I dropped Geology, because Anatomy was stressing me out!!) I love my class. We are learning, The Teachings of the Living Prophet: Thomas S. Monson. It's an amazing class and I am learning so much. President Monson is a truly humble man, and has the most amazing stories to share; that teach the principles of life and how to apply them to the gospel. 
Other than school... I got a job!! I am working at the Firehouse Carwash with the boys! It's hilariously amazing! We do have a lot of fun. Aaron, Jared, Marcus {Oh, side note, Aaron's best friend Marcus lives with us now--it's awesome! He's a great kid, he returned with honor from his mission in Georgia last December, and he's 6'5... ya!} and Austin {Aaron's other best friend that pretty much lives with us too} all watch out for me and make me feel like ''part'' of their little click! They invite me to dinner with them after work and everything... it's precious. Love those boys!! One of these days I'll get a picture of all of us in our work shirts!
Here is a picture of the boys, it's a cruddy lighting I am sorry! When they aren't working or wrestling each other, they are playing video games! Austin is on the left, then of course Aaron, then Marcus!
Marcus writing on Jared's face with permanent marker--just a normal day.
Being the only girl living at home, I have become the princess, and let's just say... I'm not complaining!!! It's grrreeeeaaaattttt! I mean, don't get me wrong, cleaning the nasty boy infested bathrooms is NOT a pleasure by any means, but having the boys pick stuff up for me, all come and wrestle on my bed in my room, etc. really is fun and nice. They are all so funny together, we all have a great time!! Ya, most female college students don't have 3 (4--Austin) male roommates! Lucky, lucky me! ;)
Fall break is next week! I can't wait! Of course I have two quizzes and my anatomy lecture midterm before that but I am still excited to get a break! I am not doing anything exciting, except probably, yes, you guessed it, studying! But also working and I am so grateful! I can't wait to sleep in just a tiny bit and not have to drive my butt to school and study!! Fall break also means... the semester is 1/2 way over!! YAAAAYYYYY!!! Yes, I am excited!!

1 comment:

  1. Kristina!!!!

    How I've missed you! :( I'm glad you're enjoying yourself though(You better be since you left me). lol Work of course is not the same without you. The nights drag on as i remember the good old days when we used to cook, talk, and laugh. But I can't wait for your visit in December! It is guaranteed to be a blast. ;)

    Love ya!!
