Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Sherri!!! :)

Happy Birthday to my sweet sister Sherri... Oh where do I even begin! Sherri is giving, loving, super smart and will be forever the most amazing and fun older sister!! I love her like you can't even imagine. We have this unexplainable bond that keeps our souls bound together in joy and happiness, tears and sorrows; in life and love... it's unexplainable!

When I was brought home from Romania, I got to sleep in her room and I'm sure loved every minute of it! I'm sure she loved (just about) every minute as well!! She had a little sister (two actually!) Lucky her!! However, I know that I'm actually the more lucky one to get her as my older sister!!

I remember when I was younger (much younger than the picture shown on the left), Sherri would take Lisa and I all over Southern Utah to different National Parks and different hiking and camping areas. She loved it down there (still does) and we knew it! She would show us all her cool, secret places and try to get us out of our city girl mode! Try, key word! She would teach us about the surrounding plants and try and help us learn the surrounding names of mountains and landmarks! Do I remember very many, mmm, not of the landmarks and mountains, but the plants, yes!! However, what I do remember the best, is Sherri taught us how to go to the bathroom outside... and that it wasn't a big deal!! That is one thing that I will be forever grateful for... Ha ha ha! Thanks big sis!!

I think one of my favorite memories with my big sis, is when my mom and I went flew to Europe around my birthday. We had flown into the London International Airport and I was exhausted and just wanted to get to our hotel! When my mom told me we had to wait because we were having a travel guide meet us there, I was way upset. We didn't need a travel guide! She told me her name was Melanie, she was pretty and had a big yellow bag. She then told me to write her name on a piece of paper with gel pens... I did, I was not happy about it though.  As the plane was finally unloading, I was looking for this women with a yellow bag... when I spot this huge yellow duffel bag, I look up and see the women carrying it is my beautiful sister Sherri!! I yelled her name so loud with excitement and shock, that I am sure everyone in the London Airport heard! I ran through all the people and jumped into her arms! I was so excited! I had no idea... It was the best birthday present ever!!

The only way to explain truly how much I love this dear sister of mine is to tell you about her wedding day and the day she gave birth to Wesley... to sum them both up-- I bawled my flippin' eyes out! It was amazing. They were both of course tears of complete and utter joy and happiness, but it was my older sister, my hero, my guardian angel for over 18 years now getting married. It was beautiful! Writing this is making me cry! And then watching the birth of her baby, was truly the most miraculous experience I've ever witnessed. I cried more than Sherri... at both events!! I couldn't believe my eyes. It was amazing!!
Sherri, sis, YOU are amazing!! I am so happy that I get to call you my sis!! You have taught me so much, have shown me how to have fun, get dirty, and get out in travel! You have also shown me that you don't have to be in school to learn! You can learn anywhere you go! You've also taught me to do the things you love, and if you don't love it, do something else! Also to not give up on your dreams and live life to the fullest!! However, one of my favorite lessons you taught me, is to love your family... No matter what happens, they are the ones that are always going to be there for you in the end. They are the ones who love you most.
Sis, I love you most! I hope you know that. Happy Birthday to the most wonderful sister, mother and wife! I am so proud of you and all you do! You are still and will always be my hero Sherri!!

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