Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering September 11th

I remember sitting in Mrs. Bundell's 5th grade classroom in Cedar Ridge Elementary when a boy came in for 2nd period and looks at me in complete shock and says, "The Twin Towers were hit by planes and are on fire!" I said, "What... that's not good...?" I had NO idea what the Twin Towers were, no less that they were even in America! Our teachers would not let us watch it or go home early.  School was held the rest of the day as if it was a normal day. Lisa and the boys and I came home immediately after school and I remember us all yelling as we ran through the front door--"Mom, turn on the news, turn on the news!!"

We ran in to the family room to see our mom already on the couch watching it. She'd had it on all day and had witnessed the second plane hitting the second tower.

We were speechless. It was unspeakable to watch what had happened to our beautiful, free country, just that morning.

Everything for the next week or two seemed so gloomy, sad and as if lights in everyone were dimmed. Yet, everything & everyone was so intense in pride, family and the power that they believed America had--to rise above this catastrophe.

Tens years later, we remember with sadness the many who lost their lives. We remember with pride the renewed love and patriotism for our country. May we NEVER Forget. God Bless America!!

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