Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

Another Thanksgiving came rolling around again... which meant family and food!! Also, no school for a few days and poker with the Wilson's... Yessssss! I was not able to be home last year for Thanksgiving, because I had to work till late in the afternoon; so being able to be home for Thanksgiving and be actively involved in the wonderful holiday traditions was such a blessing. I enjoyed every minute of it. I am so, so grateful I was able to spend the day with family.

We woke up early and headed up to Catherine's. We cut up fruit galore, peeled lots of hot potatoes, added globs of butter and gallons of whipping cream to almost everything in sight and laughed about it all! It was Thanksgiving however, so I'm pretty sure it was all calorie free!! :)

I am so grateful for this wonderful family of mine. I have the greatest sisters and brothers any sister could ask for! They all mean so, so much to me. They truly are the sunshine in my life. :) I am so grateful, and love living in a free country and knowing that I get to go to sleep every night in a warm house with a full belly. My parents work so hard to provide for me and my family and for that, I am so, so thankful. I am thankful for a Father in Heaven who loves me through all my faults, and promises to always be there at the end of the day, even when I fall short. I am so lucky for all of my friends, teachers, colleagues and co-workers that has been put in my life! I have become the women I am because of all of you... thank you!

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