Saturday, March 31, 2012

Toga Party & Paddle Swap

Whats Greek Life without a good ol' fashion Toga Party? Well, I don't think there is one!! Thus, for our end of year social we all dressed up in our fashionable bed sheets and competed against the Kappa Sigma boys for a good time and bragging rights! Of course the girls won it all... okay, almost... There was a chariot race, which was crazy and fun and um yeah, let's just say my team won out of the girls... kinda. We didn't cheat if that's what you are wondering! We came in last, without cheating, so technically we won! Our team consisted of Stephanie, Shelcy, Mary and I. Yes, we were a kick ass team, thus or name, "Team Boss". Ahh yeah, it was awesome.

There was such a great turn out at the Toga Party! It was so fun and made everything that much more fun!
Reasons for the great turn out:
1. Who doesn't look good in a bed sheet wrapped around their body?
2. All the boys wanted to see the girls in just bed sheets.
3. There was food.
4. There was a chariot race--where you had to make/decorate your own chariot=awesome.
5. You were assigned a person of the opposite sex to design and spend hours on decorating a paddle for and wrap-up and present  that night.
6. Again, everyone looks awesome in bed sheets.

I received Dominic as my Kappa Sig paddle swap partner. Each girl received a paper of what their assigned KΣ liked and didn't like, what they did for fun and wanted to be, and what they were studying. As well as their favorite food. If you know anything about most men, these were each one word answers with not much to work with, so I did my best--like the other girls! Of course, when we were asked to fill out sheets to give to the boys, our social chair said, be as specific as you can! Tell them exactly how you want your paddle to look--and you'll be happier then if you just put what you like and don't like. Turns out, a lot of the girls did turn out pretty awesome thanks to the direction of the social chair! Many of the boys turned out great to--thanks to us girls and spending hours on end in the library till all hours of the night painting and designing them. 

It was so fun to swap and see everyone else's. Oh, I won best dress for the night for the girls, so that was awesome! Received a $25 gift card to Olive Garden as well as a super cool plaque I could hang on my door! Ahh yeah, I was proud. It was such a fun night. 

After the Toga Party, a bunch of us went to Cafe Rio and got a bite to eat. Not remembering it was conference weekend and priesthood had just gotten over... there were men in white shirts and ties everywhere! And yes, we were still wrapped in bed sheets looking sexy as ever... So many stares and so many comments! Too funny. 

We then went back to Camee's and changed things up. We ripped off the bed sheets, fixed our make-up, blasted some music, spritzed on perfume, strapped on some high heels, and off to the Madison we went. Yes, it's a night club right in the middle of downtown happy valley (Provo). It was a total blast to say the least... 

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