Sunday, March 25, 2012

AΣA: Initiation, Texas... and all that jazz.

So like I finished off in my last post, I went through the first degree to become a AΣΑ sister. Yay me! Next came the 8-week long class where I got to learn everything I needed to know about the sorority, as well as prepare to take 'the exam'. Yes, there was an exam I had to take and pass to be able to go through the next degree and become an official sister. Freaked out? Only a little... ok, a lot! I even made flash cards (Oh yeah, I was that legit about it!) I studied whenever I had a few minutes and re-wrote everything in that sorority handbook, multiple times!! 

One of the most memorable times studying was when I was on the plane ride home from Dallas, Texas (explanation in a minute). I was memorizing the greek alphabet, which of course there is a song to--so I was definitely singing it; out loud and off key I am sure. As you know, planes are rather loud, and when you have 4 sorority girls on one, separated by an aisle at that, it's even louder! I sang that alphabet over and over and over again. I got stuck towards the end once, and the lady sitting in front of us said, "Upsilon!! Come on!!" We all bust up laughing, it was awesome! 

The evening the actual test came, it had been Dedication Days. So every night we were doing rituals and activities. One of the nights we did a jeopardy game with all questions that were about to be on the upcoming test. It was me vs. one of the other new girls, and guess who won? Yes, I kicked her ass. It was awesome. And look after all that late night and plane studying, I earned a 94%..!! Should have been a 100, but the question was written dumb! Anyway, I just had to pass with a 90, so I was happy. Plus, I still got the highest of my pledge class... of two! ;) Seriously though, the moment I received the text, my whole day was made!! 

Well I passed. Now we have to back-up, to Texas. Right after I was Phoenix'ed some of the girls let me know I needed to come to Texas with them. I had no idea why or how much it was going to cost or anything--all I knew was that they really wanted me to go. So I agreed to it. Turns out, it was just what I needed to get my hands and head right into the middle of all this sorority stuff! It was awesome. There was 5 of us that flew to Dallas for a 3 day weekend. It was awesome. In Dallas, AΣΑ was having a convention called "District Day." It was just one day and there were a bunch of workshops and fun activities for us girls to participate in. It was awesome. I met so many new girls and it was that Saturday afternoon in early March when I had the realization that AΣΑ was the real deal. They weren not only the real deal, but a big deal. And that this sorority I had joined, wasn't just at UVU, it was everywhere! And what was even better, was that I saw how it was and had positively affected so many girls across the nation. It was almost a surreal yet comforting and exciting feeling all at once. I will never forget it. 

To sum up Texas-- I fell in-love with Dallas within the first 5 minutes of being there! It was beautiful.  Our hotel was incredible! Huge and gorgeous and right in the middle of downtown! The night life was a blast! Carnivals, super hot night clubs and lots of lights! The shopping was awesome and there was tons of it! And the food (besides being sick both nights we went to BBQ)--the food was awesome!! Besides some massive drama between a few of the girls, blah, it was a truly great trip! I loved just being away from real life and being somewhere new. I'm a gypsy, traveling and discovering new places is in my blood... 

Like I said earlier, I studied for my new member test on the plane ride home, and passed! Next came Initiation. That weekend of our chapter Dedication Days (towards the end of March), we had our next and last degree. It was at 8AM on Saturday, the 24th of March to be exact. It was so early I did not have time to worry or cry, because I was barely awake!! I woke at 7AM that morning and pinned up some curls in my hair, and ran out the door at 7:40 (later than I planned, of course). I made it just in the nic-of-time; ripping bobby pins out of my hair and running across the street slipping my sandals on, I knocked on Bri (our chapter presidents) front door. Of course finding the girls weren't quite ready yet either, so I was safe! Camee (the other new member initiating with me) and Mary (New Member Educator) and I got to go in the bathroom and chill while the girls got everything set up. Awesome. Soon after we went through and Camee and I became official sisters!! It was a very serene and special morning. We were so, so happy afterwards!! It was a truly great day. 

To celebrate we went to Crepes for brunch, and then went home and changed and met back up and went over to Spanish Fork to participate in the Festival of Colors. So, so fun!! I have never been, but it was so cool! We made it and were able to participate in the 3 o'clock throwing--where on the hour, every hour everyone throws color (colored cornstarch) in the air at the same time! It looks amazing and you can't breath and your eyes hurt afterwards, but it's awesome!! Such a cool experience. 

What an amazing day. 

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