Friday, July 20, 2012

her day to shine

The big day was here. Crazy! Mar and I woke up about 8:30 and of course were in complete awwww that it was her wedding day! Finally. 

I ran home, showered, curled my hair up and grabbed anything we may need that day.
Next stop. Sleepy Ridge. We were there about 12:30 and started unloading tons of decorations, large canvas pictures, and of course our dresses and shoes! Mary's make up and hair was now priority. Gabby arrived and got started on that.
 I went out to direct decorating and make sure things were coming together. The people at the wedding venue were super helpful with that as well as Nefi's siblings showed up and helped hang all the flower balls. 

Next were the vows. I had been bugging Mary to get her vows done for over a week... They still weren't done and she was getting married in less than two hours, by this time. She had a rough draft--so while she literally couldn't move because she had a hot curling iron to her head, we started writing... they turned out great! 

The ceremony was supposed to start at 4:30pm, outside. People were asked to arrive by 4. People started arriving and the wedding party was becoming antsy.It was 4:10 before one of the sorority sisters stopped by the brides room and said, "it's raining." Um... Thanks for stressing Mary out more than she already is!! I tried to calm her down but she was freaking at this point. I told her, inside or outside, it'll be beautiful. She finally calmed down and at that point didn't care anymore--or so she said. We got her into her dress and shoes, clasped on her earrings and waited.

I found Nefi and even with the rain and not to mention the harsh wind he said he still wanted it outside but would be okay with the ceremony inside.
Chairs and decorations were moved upstairs in the venue and set up. Guests came upstairs and began to be seated.

In the mean time, Mary and Nefi decided to get some before pictures together, just to wait out the storm a little longer.

The wind had slowed down a lot and the rain was barely there by 4:40. Next thing you know, everyone was moving back downstairs and outside.

After everyone was seated and the wedding party was lined up, Mary and I headed down the stairs to get in the line up. After Nefi and Landon, I was next out the door. The wedding party followed after with the rain still lightly sprinkling. The music made a change and out the door came Mary and her dad... and without missing a beat, the rain ceased. It was no less than a miracle. I didn't feel another rain drop after she walked out that door.

She walked down that isle, beautiful as ever. Of course I couldn't help but start to cry! She was [is] my best friend, marrying the man of her dreams. I couldn't have wished for a better fairytale. 

I made it all the way till Nefi's vows when the water works started up again. I fell in love with that man's [vows] that day. I could only dream to find someone as great as him. Before you know it, Nefi kissed his bride and we were headed back down the isle and off to the reception.
Dancing, eating, picture taking and lots more dancing was in store!! The sorority girls and I went upstairs and did some practicing on a little dance thing we were going to do and did for Mar... I'm not even going to explain it. It was literally one of most embarrassing moments of my life. 
Before I knew it the night was coming to an end. Somehow we had all made it through without too many tears shed or blisters on our toes. I stole a minute or two to dance with Mary and make sure she had a fun day and it was all she ever wanted. It was. I put her phone in her overnight bag and her ring away in her wedding box... and the newlyweds were on their way to their honeymoon.

                                                    It was truly a fairytale kind of day.

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