Wednesday, July 18, 2012

..:the in-between & night before:..

I don't even know where to start. Well, of course over the past few weeks we had folded, stuffed and licked hundreds of envelopes. We'd had tons of sleepless nights making flower balls and more  and more flower balls. There were bridal showers and of course of sassy, fun bachelorette party.

The night before was the rehearsal dinner. The wedding party headed over to Sleepy Ridge (the wedding venue) and ran through what was going to happen the following day. After we ran through the ceremony with the little ones we headed to a big pavillion in the Springville'ish area. Nefi's mom and sisters had cooked up a super yummy hispanic meal, and close family and friends were all around. It was fun.

However my stomach was turning all night for speeches...

Mar had let me know a couple weeks before I'd have to give a speech, being the maid of honor and all. I read everything I could on speeches! What was I going to say about a girl I'd only known well, for literally 4 months, without sounding cliche? 4 months! I was freaking OUT, to say the least.

For two straight weeks I'd think about a funny story I could tell, or a cute moment we had together; and nothing ever seemed to fit. I did find one story I thought would work, and then asked Mary what the outcome was again (cause I'd forgotten) and that story was not going to work either.

It was the day before the big day, and I had to work the morning shift. Of all days to work, it shouldn't have been that one! Mar texted me and said, "Are you ready for your speech?" "Um, no, good thing I dont have to give it till tomorrow..." Wrong!!! It was tonight. At the rehearsal dinner.

To make things worse, about an hour before I left work, Mar texted me and told me that there was a whole sheet of addresses we'd forgotten to stick on envelopes and send out! Of course there qas a major freak out there. Close family and friends were contacted to get the word out. Mary was a mess. I had never ran out of work so fast.

We'd made it through the day somehow; now back to the dinner. Like I mentioned above, the food was great. After that we gave speeches. I'd written this speech over and over and over again on so many different pieces of paper. I get so nervous making any kind of speech anyway, and then to be in front of people I didn't even know, yes, I was freaking shaking!! Nefi's best man and best friend Landon got up first and talked about Nefi and how grateful he was for him and his friendship, I was next. I'm sure I sounded like an idiot trying to read my little notes and trying not to cry, but at one point in my speech, people did laugh! So I guess it wasn't too awful. After I was done, Heather, Mary's Matron of Honor (and Landon's wife) went and finished off the speeches. I was just so glad it was over.

After the rehearsal dinner, Heather and I went to go find some wrapping paper for bigger, green colored flower balls! After about 5 or 6 stores, we found some and headed to Mapleton. We were up for hours on end finishing up those flower balls, as well as last minute wedding touches.

Mar packed that night for her honeymoon. What a joke! She was packing ALL these clothes and undershirts... Girl, it's your honeymoon! She was going to Cancun. I told her to bring her bikini, cause she wouldn't be wearing clothes the rest of the time anyway!!

Around 3:30am or so, we finally were able to crawl into bed. It was a definitely a bitter sweet night; I was so excited for this best friend of mine to get married to the love of her life, but was definitely a bit sad that all the planning, preparing and fun we'd had getting ready for the big day, was just about over. Not to mention it was our last sleepover with her as a single girl... I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to hold onto the night forever... or at least for a few more hours. I knew things were going to change, and I am not a fan of change. Usually though, the change I'm always the most scared about, always turns out to be the best.

We had a big day ahead of us and were both so excited about it.

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