Tuesday, April 23, 2013

..:catching a wave across the sea:..

So here goes nothing! I know I haven't updated this in just about 6 months, and I am going to try and keep up with it now that I am living across the ocean... But just to sum up the last 6 months of my life, here's 10 things that meant something... or didn't, whatever. Lets see if I can even remember 10.
 1. My memory has become significantly awful. Awesome, I know.
2. Grandpa Hawks passed away in November, which was very sad and hard, but it happened at Thanksgiving time, which meant we got everyone home for Thanksgiving which was awesome. Seriously, my favorite Thanksgiving I've ever had.
3. I was elected President of Alpha Sigma Alpha...
4. I turned 22. Wahoo.
5. I got an 'A-' in Anatomy and BAWLED my freaking eyes out when I saw my grade.
6. Christmas was super small this past year, just the two boys and I with mom and dad.
7. I went to Dallas for the Leadership Conference. Came home and left to California with my best friend. Came home and left for Boise State the next morning and met the National Alpha Sigma Alpha President. It was a lot of traveling for two weeks.
8. I... decided to randomly apply to BYU-Hawaii and not tell my parents, or practically anyone for that matter and happened to get in and so I told my parents over dinner the night I got in and they couldn't believe it.
9. Mary and I became even more of (if that's possible) best friends these past two months than we've ever been in the past year. 
10. My family has been completely supportive and great in my decision to attend BYU-Hawaii and all the things that go along with it!
There you go, a brief easy summary of my past 6 months. I am now attending BYU-Hawaii, today only being the second day of class and loving it. It has definitely been a bit of a culture shock, but I am doing my best to just know I am in a different place, different school, it's okay for things to be different.

I have always loved Hawaii more than any other place I have ever been. It is the most peaceful, beautiful, truly friendly place in the world. And even though I am attending school here now, and I'm not just a tourist, it's even more true. All of the students have been so nice and so willing to help. I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb a lot of the time being that I am still Caucasian. Romanian Gypsy or not, people know I'm a white girl from Utah. How embarrassing!! Hopefully I won't be this white for too much longer, things have just been so nuts lately and haven't had much time to lay out... not to mention it's been raining on and off everyday since I got here!

 I am currently taking Sociology, a Book of Mormon Religion class and Hula. The classes are split up into two 6-week blocks. So these are the classes I'm taking the first block, and second block I am not signed up for yet.. seeing as though I have some holds on my account. Oops!

My teachers are very nice and super willing to work with students and all they are doing. My sociology teacher is white and is from Idaho... boring I know. But my Religion teacher is Tongan and super excited about the class. As well as my Hula teacher is this big New Zealander women who is funny as ever and loves to make fun of the girls from Hong Kong in the class. It's hilarious!! That's another thing... there are Asian people everywhere. Like everywhere, everywhere. A lot of them are on this program called 'i-work' where BYU-H brings them over and pays for their housing and tuition in return these students work at the Polynesian Culture Center (PCC) across the street year-round for like 2 or 3 years I think I heard; cause they always need to have tour guides, so BAM, Asian tour guides.

What else... My roommate is super nice. Never had to room with a girl I didn't know... So her name is Marissa Tam. She is half Asian... yeah, I know. And half white. She works are a server at the PCC in one of the dining areas and is only 17. She graduated from high school early and came from Sacramento, California. She started here last fall and loves it, but hopes to transfer to BYU-Provo after receiving her Associates. She has been super nice and super helpful. She wakes up super early in the morning to get ready, so I am usually up at the butt-crack of dawn as well. But it's fine. Waking up early never killed anyone.

Other than that, the boys are freaking everywhere down here. They are not only everywhere but FROM everywhere. Seriously. Like Asia... ha ha ha, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Philippines, Marshall Islands, Cook Islands, you name it, we have boys from there. It's pretty sweet. They are all super nice and willing to help too, so don't hold your breath too long peeps, I may be coming home with a big fat rock on my finger. JK. That's not happening. But wishful thinking on ya'll's part I'm sure.

I am actually going to head down to the beach before it gets too late. Did I mention this view is LITERALLY an 18 minute easy walk from the second I walk out of my dorm room? Yeah, I know, I got lucky this time around! Know I am safe and happy. I will write again soon.

Kisses from the sea. xoxo

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