Saturday, May 4, 2013

[dia de playa con mis amigos]

Look mom, I'm using my spanish! Ha! So it was a beach day with some friends today!! Yay me! I have friends and we go to the beach. I know, I'm awesome.
Listen! It was a super fun day just chilling with these fools. Meet Honu (yes, her name means sea turtle in hawaiian, cool huh?), Marissa (my roomie), and Brandon (this kid we met from Nebraska, and I just laugh everytime he says where he's from). So yes, these are my friends. You're welcome for the pictures. So, I love the beach, obviously, so it's so much more fun when you have friends to play in the ocean with! I'm gonna be honest, I haven't gone actually swimming in the ocean since I've been here... till today! So it was definitely a win, win situation of a day! Annnnnd, today I attempted to make a mermaid... out of sand... and failed terribly! Don't even ask. Listen, it was a memory made... with everyone laughing at it!!

Tonight we are off to see Iron Man 3! Theres a group of like 12 of us going, so it's gonna be super fun. We actually went to go last night here at our little theater in Laie, but it was sold out... Obviously! This is Iron Man 3 we are talking about. So we went and bought our tickets before we went to the beach today, and will be heading down soon!

                                              Kisses from the sea xoxo

1 comment:

  1. So what's wrong with being from Nebraska ;)
    - J
