Saturday, May 4, 2013

[mis amigos vienen]

Using Spanish titles may actually be my new thing. I'm kind of digging it. So listen! I have the BEST news!!! Like I could cry just sharing it with all of you. So get this.

Yesterday I'm sitting in the caf, just chilling with my roomie eating lunch. Normal day. Eating my pineapple and drinking my orange fanta. So Mary texts me and is like, when's your little summer break deal? So I tell her. Then she's like, have any of your other friends or family booked times to come see you yet... noooope. I'm lonely by myself.

So about 10 minutes or so later I get a text message with flight plans... Um WHAT?? Yeah, how could you not start crying? I looked like a FREAKING idiot in the caf, let me tell you. Hahahahah... kkk but seriously, it wasn't funny. My best friend had just bought a ticket to come see me. I was freaking out!!!!

So no, listen, it gets better. I know, how could it get better right? No, it totally does. So this morning I'm just chilling down here in the computer lab getting my 'job applying on' (yeah, I need a JOB!!!) when I get a text from my other best friend forever Toni. "Hey, call me when you get a second." Um, okay, so I immediately call her!! We spend an hour on the phone catching up when she tells me, "So, can I come visit you? Please?" Um, what YES!!! So I tell her the times Mary is coming and that I would love to have her come the week before or after or whenever. She's like, well how about next week? Um, yeah, okay!! I have classes, but if you don't mind just chilling... on the beach while I'm in class, that's cool! Obviously she didn't mind at all...

So check it... I move to Hawaii and my two best friends, ever, fly all the way over here to visit me?! Yeah, I'm kind of living on cloud nine right now. Feeling sooooo blessed, lucky and pretty damn loved!!! What can I say, I'm that 'missed' of a friend... Just kidding, we all know it's because I'm living in Paradise... but i'll take what I can get!!
                   extra kisses from the sea tonight xoxoxoxoxo

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