Monday, May 27, 2013

[memorial day]

Luckily we didn't have school today thanks to our Veterans, so going home and sleeping after Stairway to Heaven was an option! Well for three hours at least. I was up by 11:30am, showered, dressed and ready by 12:30 to head over to Hukilau for a BBQ at the beach. How fun is that? Probably more so with a sufficient amount of sleep, but nevertheless, still a great time! Not to mention I was starving by now...
So I headed over with Jess and Whit and we met up with the ward and had some yummy grillings. I seriously had felt like I had been hit by a bus and run over by it, a few times. Luckily, that wasn't the case. So I was able to go out and sit on the beach. 
Living on the windward side of the island, our beaches are hardly ever crowded; but obviously it was a holiday--so a person couldn't and wouldn't expect anything less then packed beaches in Hawaii on such days. Lovely. Surprisingly, once I walked onto the actual beach, there was still a lot of space and yes, a lot of people but nearly as I thought there would be. 
The breeze was amazing that day. Not so hard that sand was blowing up and everywhere, but just enough off the top of the waves breaking against the shore to make it a truly perfect day. The sun was shining and the clouds were white. The laughing and hustle and bustle of the kids running around and splashing in the water, while family and friends  conversed on the shore as the smell of BBQ, and sea water all mixed together in the bright light of the day, made for a truly magical day. It was like in the movies, only I was there. 
After laying on the beach for an hour or two, I decided to walk back to the Hales. I decided to throw my laundry in, and then went and washed off my muddy pink shoes. Afterwards, four of us met up and we went and jumped on the bus down to Kaneohe.
We went down there and had some dinner at the mall, [yeah, I didn't know they had one either--awesome I know] Oh, they had a DQ in the food court. I actually ate at Zippy's, a place across the street from the mall, cause it has the best Katsu Chicken and macaroni salad ever, but anyways. I went to DQ afterwards and got a Turtle Pecan Cluster Blizzard in honor of my father... who use to get them at least once a week if not more when we lived down south [and would sometime share if we asked real nice!] Friggin' miss those things! So after dinner, we headed upstairs and went and watched Fast & Furious 6! Gotta love me some Paul Walker and Vin Diesel. Hotties. 
The movie got out of 10:12. The bus came at 10:13. Obviously, we didn't make it. So we had to wait till the 11 o'clock bus. So luckily there was a Starbucks across the road! Lucky us. I was psyched. So we went there and got some hot cocoa.. Oh, it was raining outside and cold, so there was a point in getting the hot cocoa. It was caramel toffee... only the best! We sat and chatted for a while. I don't know what it is about sitting in Starbucks and getting drinks, but it just makes people want to talk. It's my favorite.  
Not too long after, we were able to grab the bus home and I was back in bed by midnight:30. It was quite a day. 

Kisses from a [seriously] exhausted girl across the sea xoxoxoxo

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