Tuesday, June 25, 2013

siempre bajo la lluvia.

Today was a truly great day. Where to start? How about at the part where I woke up three different times last night from the pain shooting out of my elbow after hitting my humeral condyle [most people call is your funny bone, which is soooo not funny] on the 'locking metal part' of my desk in my room. I forgot to take an ibproufen after I did it, but was too tired during the night to get up and take one... or four. So I just tried my hardest to go back to sleep. Then I got a 6:30am phone call. Lovely. I was expecting it would be an early one from Utah, so I turned off my "Do Not Disturb" so I could grab it. Did I mention it was a great day? Okay, let me get to that part. Cause the rest of the crap I just told you doesn't even matter...

So I went and ate breakfast in the caf, cool. I know. I got back and was going to start in on another book, but then remembered Drop Dead Diva had just started back up on Sunday and I hadn't seen the Season Premier yet. I was stoked for it, I'd waited a whole year for heaven sakes. So to the computer lab I went. I started to pull it up and watched about a minute and a half before I get a text from my friend Manu. He says, "Hey, Adam wants to know if you are free to do something right now?" No, I'm watching a show I waited to watch for a year now dude... Obviously my real reply was, "I can be ready in 5 minutes..." Manu said "Great, he'll meet you in your Hale lounge." Obviously being a girl it took me 10 minutes to get ready. But hey, 10 minutes, that's pretty good if I do say so myself.
So Adam comes and picks me up. He has a car... okay, it's not his, but he gets to drive it. It's soooo nice to be able to ride around in a car. I never realized what a luxury it was. Pathetic, I know!! So Adam is starting Summer B here in July, and so he isn't in housing or anything officially yet. So we went to see about getting him an ID. We went and saw what we could do, and weren't able to get it today. So then after another errand that didn't seem to work out, we decided on ice cream and going up to the Point. I know, I'm at the Point, alooooooot. What can I say, it's one of my favorite places on the island! 

So we headed up to the Point. Have you, it's been raining on and off all day, and so when we talked about what we were going to do, I suggested not a beach day, because of the rain... So we get to the Point and as we get out of the car, Adam grabs this fanny pack thing... Obviously I'm interested in why this kid has a fanny pack. Well it just so happened to be speakers he could connect his phone/ipod to to play music. Sweet. He got it for $5 in the Philippines, why not right? So we are walking around, singing to the music and just messing around when we sit down and are just talking and obviously, the ran starts up. Hard. We decide to head back to the car. As we are walking back we had just talked about Christina Perri's song "A Thousand Years..." So this kid. I'm standing by the car, waiting for him to open my door [to tell you the truth] and he's flipping through his phone. He then looks at me and goes, "Soooo, I'm a sucker for dancing in the rain." Oh really me tooooooo. No, I didn't say that, I instead said, "Here in the middle of the road?" Yep. So we then proceeded to dance to A Thousand Years, one of my all time favorite songs ever, in the middle of the road, while it was pouring rain... [pause\\\] I knoooooooow, right?
So after we danced, we decided to go for a little drive. Remember those little cabin things Mary and I saw on our way back from Kahuku? Well I wanted to show them to him, so we drove up there and went and walked around on the beach and got our feet in the water... well actually, Adam got splashed by a wave I guess and his pants were wet in like 5 seconds of being in the water, but anyways. There were some surfers out there, it was fun. It was still slightly raining, but we dealt with it. Remember the rope swing thing up there as well? Well Adam decided to do his Spiderman pose on it and then told me it was my turn. First off, are you serious? And secondly, I am going to look like an idiot... Hahaha, well let me tell you. I did! I tried to shake the sand off my feet first off, cause I didn't want it in my eyes, and then trying to flip my legs up and use my 'ab muscles' I obviously don't have, haha I was like, yeah, watch this... So I'm looking like an idiot getting sand everywhere, and he's taking pictures just laughing. I obviously had no idea what I was doing. So I get down and he goes, "First off, you have sand everywhere... all over your face, everywhere. Second, you kind of looked like a stripper." Hahahahhahaha! I freaking died!!! You have no idea. By now my shirt was soaked, so wiping my sand off with my hands and onto my wet shirt wasn't working. So this kid used his shirt to try and wipe my hot mess of a face off and then we proceeded to die over my stripper photos...
If he only knew.. hahaha. That's another story for another day I suppose.
We did a few other things back at campus, and then before you know it, it was time to run to work. It's been super busy tonight which is actually kind of fun. There are a bunch of ESL students here from Tahiti for 3 weeks staying in Hale 5--so they get a few hours of fun time in the evening, so they come and crowd this place. It's awesome business for the Game Center and keeps me busy. I like it. Especially because I didn't have time to grab a book before running over here, and didn't realize my phone was on the fritz of dying as well. So busy is good, and luckily, I have this computer I can blog on, behind the desk when it's slow! Hope you are all enjoying your week!

 Kisses from your favorite stripper across the sea ;) xoxoxo

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