Wednesday, June 5, 2013

..:her last night:..

I couldn't believe Summer A was already over. Marissa was leaving and I didn't know what I was going to do with myself! I was going to miss this girl, that is for sure. She would make my day everyday. With just an act of kindness, or something funny that would come out of her mouth [which happened all the time], I seriously didn't know what I was going to do with myself when she left me. She was seriously the best roomie I could've ever asked for.
Her last night was here and I was sad. She was super excited to go home, but I know it was bitter-sweet for her. We ordered pizza and moved our room around, and then when it came to packing? She failed. She could not do it. She was organizing her q-tips, playing with a wire hanger doing this and that... I just decided to do it myself. I took her bags and started packing. I would then ask her what drawers still needed to be emptied, she said, "Oh, they're all empty..." WRONG! Only one of the seven drawers she had were empty. Hahaha, it was hilarious. So I got those all packed and everything else. She was having a hard time, I understood completely.
Without Mary and my mom there when I needed to pack to come here, I would have never packed. It wouldn't have had any clothes. Serious. So I paid it forward and helped this little one pack. By the way, I can totally call her little one since she is only 17!!! I know, younger than Jared, my youngest brother. How crazy is that? Anyways. We got it done, and I know she did the best she could.
I hated to see her go, but I know she will have a great summer at home, and I can't wait to see her in 12 weeks when she returns!!
Kisses from the sea xoxo

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