Tuesday, June 11, 2013

[today's the day]

Today! Today!!! She is coming today!!! I'm freaking so excited I can't even believe it. It was 38 days ago today her sweet husband bought her a ticket to come see me, and I couldn't be more grateful!! I was so excited to finally see my best friend again. It was going to be the best week ever.

I cleaned my room and got everything done I needed to get done, so that I wouldn't have any worries while she was in town. I was only going to have a week with her, so I was going to make every minute count!!

I asked my friend Honu how to make a lei, and she told me how to do it, so I was like, mmk I got this. To start off, you're not supposed to pick flowers on campus. It's against the rules. But honestly, what isn't against the rules here, right? So I did it anyway. Much easier then going to people's yards and being like, "oh hey can I pick like 50 flowers from your tree to make a lei for my bestfriend?" Yeah no. So I just broke the rules and picked them on campus. We have a ton of plumeria trees, I don't see what's the big deal... honestly.

So I go over behind the Aloha Center and start picking the flowers there. I picked a bunch of the ones I could reach, put them into my little grocery bag, lined with wet paper towels, and headed over to the Lorenzo Snow Administration parking lot. Okay, I know... picking flowers on the side of the Administration building probably wasn't the smartest idea, but seriously, a bunch of the flowers on the trees were in reaching distance, and I mean, 'who's going to miss flowers from the parking lot?'

So I start walking to a tree, when I see this small, white ford focus pull out of a parking space and slowly start driving away. It was literally going like 2 or three miles an hour. I just thought, "huh, must be texting and needing to finish the text before driving off." Those were my thoughts... right? So I'm just listening to my ipod and walking up to the tree, obviously waiting for the car to pull all the way away before I start picking when this dude rolls down his window and says, "Heeeeey!" I look at him and wave. And then he continues, "What are you listening too?" I take out my earphone and say, "Just some music." He goes, "What kind?" I sheepishly reply, "Ummmmm, Demi Levato." He says, "Who's that?" I, now getting a little annoyed reply, "A pop singer." He then replies with this... "What is pop? You have to understand, I've been in a coma for 10 years and have just woken up and I don't know what that means? You have to take me back to 2003 and compare this person to someone from that era." At this point I was freaking creeped the heck out! This dude was older, almost bald, saggy skin, skinny though, had an un-believable story and was honestly just wanting to pick some damn flowers. I seriously had no idea who to compare Demi Levato too, so I go, "Oh, you know like Dream Girls, yeah, she's like that!" Hahaha... yeah no, she's not. But I didn't know what else to say, and I thought if I answered his question maybe he'd say, "Great, I'll have to check that out, see ya..." BUT NO! He didn't. He just started in on everything. Before I knew it, he was out of his car, had taken his shirt off and was showing me how he had three vertebrae replaced, something done on his head. Continued to tell me that everything he had 10 years ago was gone, and his family just checked him off as dead, but that he came here because he wants to be an educator and that it was God's will he was still alive. Then he continued to tell me that he had been in a car accident two weeks ago and fractured two ribs and his pelvis, yet he walked out of his car and was standing right in front of me. I highly doubt you could sit up very well, let alone drive and WALK with that happening. Then he started to tell me all about how the brain works, and he actually got a few things wrong. I was actually correcting him in my own head. Okay, so by this point I had been standing there for 45 minutes. It was 3:45pm by now and I was going to pick up Mary at 6. I wasn't dressed, I wasn't sure how long it was going to take to make this lei, I was getting frustrated. The guy would NOT stop talking. I kept trying to leave and cut him off, but he'd just keep talking. A few people walked by me and didn't say a thing. I don't know why they couldn't see by my body language how uncomfortable I was. Two teenage boys rode by on their bikes and noticed I did not look very content I suppose, because they rode by again and one of them mouthed to me, "are you okay?" I kind of smiled awkwardly and slowly shook my head no. So he stood by and watched to make sure I was okay. I finally pulled my phone out of my backpack, after this man had asked me my name and told me my name emulates Christ and just went on and on and I just said, "I have to go." He of course kept talking and I just said, "sorry" and walked away. I couldn't deal with it anymore. I was running soooo late by now! I walked over to the administration building and hid behind a pillar until this crazy man drove off. As I looked in the parking lot, there was a black suburban, just chilling, with people in it and their windows rolled down, just sitting there. They watched the crazy guy drive off and then they were off. Whether that was just a coincidence, or they were really watching out for me, I like to think I wasn't alone.

After the man had turned the corner and was no where in site, I quickly went and picked about 20 more flowers off the tree I had been standing by for the last hour, and then ran back to my hale. Making the lei didn't take too long, and I was so pleased that I had enough flowers to make it.
I got all ready and even had time to grab some dinner. The kid that was getting a car to go get Mary with me said he'd be there about 6ish. He got off work at 5:30, so I said that's great and just waited. Mary's plane came in at 6:40 and I told her she'd probably have to wait for a few, but not too long. Well, that plan failed... when the ride for Mary showed up at 6:40! I was just a bit pissed to say the least. I was trying to find her another ride at that point because I was so mad. I couldn't get a hold of him and I didn't know what to do. I was sitting on the benches outside of my hale, crying, cause I was so upset. I just wanted to get to her. I felt bad she had to wait at the airport, and I just wanted to see her. Jimmy finally showed up, and I grumpily got in the car [while trying to hold back tears] trying to be nice, even though obviously I know I don't hide my feelings very well. He felt really bad, and his friend he was borrowing the car from was the one who caused the major delay, so I couldn't be too frustrated. He was doing me a favor, and I was very grateful, so of course I apologized and tried to just suck it up. Not to mention, Mary was totally fine. She was like, "It's all good, I'm wearing a gray shirt and I'm just chilling out here under a palm tree reading..." Um, okay!

After we talked it out and made things good, I saw the airport sign--- and I started getting so excited. I was freaking out with butterflies and happiness! As we were pulling off Exit 16, to the airport, I literally started clapping my hands like a little kid! It was like Christmas Day, only better! We were pulling up to the terminal and I rolled down my window and started to scream. Jimmy was like, "You are so excited, it's so cute!" I was. I couldn't believe it was finally here. I look over and see her in her grey shirt, sitting there, reading... I scream!!!! You can only imagine, right? I jump out of the car [not sure if it was even stopped or not] and we both just start running. I wrapped both of my arms around her and just wanted to start crying [tears of joy, of course!] I didn't, but they were close by. Nicely enough, Jimmy took a few pictures of our first few minutes together. I gave her the lei I made, and was so excited to see her face when she saw it! So worth the crazy man talking to me forever, to get the rest of the flowers and make it.
We got her bags in the car, and introductions proceeded soon afterwards. Even though it was dark, I wanted to go up to the Pali Lookout cause she had never seen it. So we headed up there and checked that out! It was creepy, and super dark... and actually 'closed' cause it was after 8 by now, but we went and checked it out anyway. It started to rain, but we didn't care. We were just so excited to be there together.
We met up with Honu and Manu and went to Zippy's in Kaneohe for a late dinner. Before you know it, we were headed home and I'm sure she was so excited to finally be done with transportation. She had two layovers on the way, which meant, three different planes and a car ride to the airport and one to my place... so she was pretty much over it. I was happy to be home, with her there and finally be able to just sit and talk. It was just like old times. Luckily, it was only the beginning of the m&k adventures of the week.

Extra kisses from my soulmate, me & the sea xoxo

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