Tuesday, July 2, 2013

..:sharks cove for life:..

I know I post about Sharks Cove on the daily it feels like, but I went freaking bright and early this morning with Adam. 8AM bright and early. He wanted 7AM and I said no way. Too early!!

I won't say a whole lot because ya'll have heard all the stories about Sharks Cove. But we were one of the first people there, the water was freezing at first, we saw a lot of beautiful fish, and we had a great time. Also, we went and walked up on top of the rocks with our matching local flip-flops, I know adorable right? Hahaha, jokes. But seriously, went and walked up on-top of the pointy rocks and just a few scraps and warrior marks, but we didn't step on any sea urchins--that was our goal. Oh, we had to swim in-between these two big rocks, we couldn't just jump, and the water from the ocean was flowing through this area, right? Right. So there's like these huge waves going through and they stopped and Adam swam over and got on the next rock and then I was freaking out and wouldn't go and all these waves came and it was like a tide pool in the middle of these rocks, understand? My [underwater] camera died by this time or I would have taken a picture. So I was freaking out and we waited until it wasn't so intense and I jumped in and was being swept away... and trying not to panic. So I take off my flip flops and swim as hard and fast as I can and Adam was like, "You got this Kristina!" And obviously grabbed my hands when I got close enough and pulled me up and I lived, thus I am still alive to write this blog post.
You're welcome.///

After finding these cool little crabs in these awesome shells and bugging them, we got out of there and went and grabbed lunch and a smoothie. This boy is obsessed with smoothies. Then it was done and good. I had a bunch of work stuff to do, we have a volleyball tournament this Friday we are putting on, so I had to go and tag all the girls in the hale's doors, by myself, and do a bunch of other things I committed to do. Then it was shower and work time for now.

Kisses from the sea from a girl that is loving her life xoxoxo

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