Monday, July 1, 2013

..: sunsets for dayzzzz:..

Welcome to the first day of July! This is seriously my favorite month of the entire year. It's hot as friggin' hell, you get to go swimming whenever, and you get fireworks and bbq's like all month long. Oh, and you get to celebrate America! It's seriously the best month.

So because it was the first day of the red, white and blue month, I went to the beach for about an hour... then it started raining. Awesome. No, not awesome, it sucked; cause yesterday, Sunday, it was soooo friggin' hot all day the sun was blazing through my window and burning my sheets... and then of course on the day I can go to the beach, it rains. Dumb.
So I was leaving the beach [it was 5ish] when Adam texted me and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was walking home. He was hungry, so he came and grabbed me and we headed over to grab some sandwiches at subway for dinner and then we headed up to the Point to eat them. We hung out there for a bit, and then it started to rain. What else is new, right? Right.

So we got in the car and started driving. I suggested heading up to Sunset Beach to watch the sunset, he liked the idea so we started up that way. However on the way up I decided that Turtle Bay would have just as brilliant of a sunset and it was closer, so we stopped there instead. We walked out behind the resort onto this grassy hill when Adam says, "It's look like we have about a half hour, what'd you say we walk back to the car and grab a blanket that I have and come and put it on this grassy hill?" Um, yeah okay smooth guy. He just keeps a blanket in his car! I mean, I use too as well [the advice of my sissy Sherri] but other people did that too? Cute.
So we went back to the car and grabbed this sweet blanket he had. His Filipino grandma made it and it was soooo Filipino. Super colorful and awesome. It was fabulous. So we headed back to the hill and talked and  watched the sunset. It was so beautiful. Of course, you guessed it, it started to rain. So we ran into a nearby building for a second until it passed and then headed back up just to sit outside. It was such a beautiful night.
As we were sitting there just talking about this and that and everything in-between he goes, "I have a game we can play back to the car." Um, okay. I ask what it is and he says, "We are going to have a three-legged race..." My response, "With just us? We are racing ourselves?" He laughs and says, "Yeah, we are going to time ourselves." Hahaha... This kid! [obviously we did not time ourselves.] But he then proceeded to tie this blanket around our legs so that we could have this ''three-legged race'' by ourselves back to the car. Who thinks of these things??

On the way back he had someone take a picture of us cause he was so excited about it! It was so funny. We somehow made it back to the car without dying or breaking anything and we even climbed into that little mini cooper with our legs still tied together... He climbed over the seat.
It was the perfect night.

Kisses across the sea from this sunset lover xoxoxo

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