Saturday, June 29, 2013

..:a lunch date:..

It was a lunch date today... well sorta. Adam wanted to go on a hike with a bunch of people, and then I got an 8AM phone call saying that I could sleep-in cause we weren't going to go anymore.. So we decided on lunch instead.

Obviously I fell back asleep for a few hours... Got up, got ready, you know, like actually got ready and then like a girly girl [that I claim not to be] sat around and did my nails and waited around for his text or call... When did I become this girl? Before you know it, I got a text and he was ready for lunch. I was starving! He asked me if it was okay if he brought two Filipino guys with him. I obviously said, "No, that's not okay..." Mostly joking, and then said yes, that's great.

So he came and grabbed me and they decided on heading up to the shrimp truck. Obviously, I'm a huge fan of Giovanni's, so I was totally down. We got some lunch and grabbed some smoothies at the smoothie truck obviously! While we were sitting there talking, [Adam went on his mission to the Philippines so he knows Tagalog] and his friends, Jon and Joesph decided they were going to teach me some phrases. So they start having me say these phrases and then they would all laugh and laugh... After the second phrase I told them they had to tell me what I was saying in English before I would say it in Tagalog. Those boys weren't so apt on having me say phrases anymore once I wouldn't say them unless I knew what I was saying. But don't worry, I learned how to say I love you and let's kiss without even knowing! So now I'm set... We then walked around at the little tent stands just to check out what was there and found this BBQ corn stand. There was this little face deal... I don't know what it's called, but I told Jon and Joesph to get behind the board and so we could take a picture. Obviously, Adam caught on after taking the picture and was like, "Okay, it's our turn."

After this and a little more walking around, we found some colorful lawn chairs by a frozen yogurt truck and just sat and talked and laughed. Oh my heck, they had the funniest jokes. I wish I had a better memory and could remember them... however, they probably wouldn't be near as funny over the internet anyway. But they were funny. We played "would you rather" some of the questions Adam asked were "Would you rather have 8 kids or 1?" "Paris or New York... It should be Hawaii or New York but we are already here so, we kind of already made that choice...?" "Be able to speak every language or play every instrument?" My answers if you haven't already guessed were obviously: 8 kids, Paris and speak every language. Of course we all asked a bunch of other questions, I asked, "deaf or blind?" Three of the four of us said deaf; Jon is huge into music so he said blind. Easy game to get to know people better and strike up tons of random conversations! Loved it.
Did I mention I hate the dating "game"? And by game I literally mean dating people and getting to know them and blah blah blah... I think it is so freaking crappy... but whatever I'm doing right now, is um... different and I'm actually enjoying it. Hm. Food for thought.

After a few hours of that, the guys had to get to work, so we headed back down the hill and dropped them off. Adam wanted to teach me to play ping pong so we headed into the Hale to play... There was a little incident where I may or may not have had to break into the Game Center using my Costa Vida card [I know, I'm pretty kick ass] to get some paddles and a ball because the RA's were not in the office to give us the items... But seriously, I was just borrowing them and returned them how I found them so... There's that. We started to play and I felt like I was doing super good.. so I say, "Well, I think I'm pretty good, I don't think I need any more lessons." And he goes, "Yeah... except for that I've been using my left hand..." Are you freaking serious? So I was worse than I thought I was cause the second he started using his right hand it was all downhill from there... That didn't last long and he switched back to his left hand.

Seriously. This was my Saturday. I loved it. I hope you loved yours too.

Kisses from the sea xoxoxoxo 

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