Friday, June 28, 2013

..:the most priceless:..

Today was just a normal Friday. Got up, it rained, did laundry, killed some ants that decided to get all up in my stuff today and oh, I went and checked my mail... and I had a yellow slip!! That means a package!! Yes, I was soooo excited because I knew what was here! Toni's pictures!!
[i love her little picture! 'me sitting in utah on a rock!' died laughing!!]
Toni took a bunch of pictures on her amazingly sweet camera while she was here, and then when she got home she made me a CD of them, and sent them within a week of getting home, but when it arrived the CD had broken. I was so sad. So she sent another one, and this time with an amazing slideshow!! It's so beautiful and the music in it is priceless, I bawled the whole way through it... and I would share it with ya'll, but I don't know how to format it so I can do that... so for now, you can just enjoy these priceless pictures we have from the best 10 days of my summer. Be prepared, there are a million and a bunch. Enjoy!
[always have something in my eye... i swear!!!]
[remember, it was Grey's Anatomy's Season Finale this day... so I had to wear my gray, Grey's shirt!]
[this poor girl and her sunburn!!]

I know, there was a lot, but they are priceless, right?
I am so grateful for this girl and her love and support through everything. She is such an amazing best friend. I am so happy we were able to have this adventure together, it definitely wasn't the first of our great adventures, and it will definitely not be the last. Trust me, with this girls spontaneity, I'm sure the rest of our lives will be filled with adventures just like this one!

Kisses from across the sea xoxo

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