Wednesday, August 21, 2013

blank page.

Why is it that I can look at a blank page on a blog post and just start writing? But the second I pull up a blank document on Microsoft Word I go completely blank. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Today has been so crazy and busier than ever, yet I still somehow finished three-one page papers for reviews on various items for music [on Word actually] and finished reading for my music test. As well as did a music presentation, printed, cut and made 60 table tents advertising for open mic, got through a work meeting, finished my Tahitian Final and somehow fit in talking to three, yes three of my best friends on the phone today? It seems like a lot when I write it all down, and to be honest, I don't know how I got all of it done... but there's still so much more! So why in the freaking hell am I blogging?

The next big project I have GOT to tackle tonight and tomorrow is my 15-page autobiography. It is literally killing me! When we first got the assignment I was so excited about it, and now... there's literally nothing I dread more than starting to type the thing. I even hand-wrote myself out an outline.. I just need to fill in-between the lines.

So what's my deal? Why? Why can't I write this autobiography? I mean honestly, this should be the easiest paper I have ever had to write. Who knows more about me than me? Frick.

So here I am. Writing this post, hoping that some sort of inspiration comes along and helps me get the motivation... courage... spark to start this paper on this freaking life of mine I have been living for 22 and 1/2 years now.

The shells? Like the shells in my hand, the experiences I have had in my life have come in all different shapes, sizes and forms. Some broken, some beautiful, some even a little bit twisted, while others are leaving marks forever--and yet all in the palm of my hands; making me, a little broken, beautiful, twisted and marked. Forever. Making me, me. 
Any suggestions of how to start making these sea shell of experiences onto a word document. Cause it's seriously still ___________.

Here goes nothing, 

Kisses from this procrastinating girl across sea xoxoxo 

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