Saturday, August 3, 2013

koko head botanical gardens

Today two of my co-workers and I had to make a run down to Costco and Wal-Mart to pick-up some stuff for work! I'd never been so excited to go to Wal-Mart in my entire life... it was kind of pathetic! But honestly. Things are sooooo much cheaper there and just better. So we drove down and Senik, this Moldovan kid I've told you about, brought two of his friends. This married couple that lives in the married housing here on campus, called TVA [Temple View Apartments]. So they are from the Baltic, and so that was cool. Anyways, so we went down, went to Costco and it was freaking nuts being Saturday. We got some food there, and then I got some gelato! They serve gelato at this one and it was only $1.50 for 3 scoops in this waffle cone... So, duh! So I start eating it and it's melting faster than I can eat it. The wind's blowing so it's getting everywhere, including my hair. It was a mess! But it was super yummy, so it was worth it.

Then we went to the Botanical Gardens down in Koko Head. It was a fun little mile and a half loop trail with lots of flowers and even some cactus!
Okay wait... So let me just tell you about this girl. First off, I mentioned her a few posts ago.. Kathryn. Remember? Coolest girl ever? Okay yeah, glad you remember. Listen. This girl is seriously one of, if not the coolest girl I've ever met. Like legit cool. The word cool doesn't even come close to explaining what I think of this girl. When I told her how cool I thought she was, she says to me, "You don't get out much do you?" Hahaha, I literally died! Then later we are all in the car and Senik goes, "Kathryn's just so nice." And I go, "I knooooow! That's just another reason I love her." And from the back seat Kat says, "You don't have that many friends do you?" I died laughing and said, "It's not that I don't have a lot of friends, but I was in a sorority, remember? Everyone was a beezy to each other at one point or another!" We all laughed. Seriously though. So two nights ago this one told me she was moving. I could've started crying, but we were at work and got interrupted about the bowling lanes breaking down every three seconds... So I didn't really have a chance; which is probably a good thing. But man am I going to miss her. She's seriously so great! She's moving to Utah for the fall semester to work, work, work and save up a bunch of money, and then is supposedly coming back for the Spring. We'll see. Either way, I told her we would do a "Diva Day" up in Utah when I come home for Christmas Break. And by Diva Day I mean, we will both actually get ready and curl our hair for the day and wear cute clothes and do you know, stuff Diva's would do--cause we can be total diva's when we aren't in Hawaii and not caring, haha.  [Ooooh, btw's--My ticket is bought and I will be flying into Las Vegas December 15th arriving at 9:30pm for the break, whoop, whoop!] Anyways. Moral of this story. Kathryn is awesome. I'm going to miss her when she moves in like 26 days. So get ready for Kat & Kristina photo overload this next month... cause it's going to happen.
After that we went to Wal-Mart and it was freaking cray cray! There were like tons of products missing and it was just crazy. I'd never seen a Wal-Mart so disorganized and in such an upheavel. When we were paying at the register I was like, "It's freaking crazy in here." And the lady says, "Yeah, it's because it's back to school for the kids." I was like, "Ooooh, makes sense." Then she says, "And food stamps, it's the first of the month so everyone just got there new food stamps." Um, yeah---that makes even more sense. Freaking zoo in there! We were glad to go, but even happier to leave. It was quite the afternoon, but so worth it.

Oh, I"m feeling better by the way. I was coughing a lot today, but I think I'm definitely on the mend. Yay!! Until my next adventure! Ciao!

Kisses from the sea xoxoxoxo

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