Tuesday, August 6, 2013

estuve nadando con los chicos

Last night I needed to get in the water. Ocean, pool, river, puddle---just something other than a shower. After studying all day and eating dinner, three of my favorite boys and I were discussing what we were going to do the rest of the night and I said, "I need to swim laps." And they all agreed to go with me to the pool. Like I said before, I love swimming laps but being that the pools only open in the evenings and with work, sometimes it's hard to get over there. But man was I glad we went last night.
The three boys I went with are just great. Manu, Brendon and Chris. These three have a huge bromance but let me still be seen with them. They treat me like a girl still, [open the door for me, hold my stuff, etc.] but let me run, swim with them... Cause I can keep up, even a little faster then a couple of them. No but seriously.
After a fun time swimming faster than all those odd ducks we got out of the pool and I had missed a call from Kathryn... Frick! She was working and it had gotten nuts at the Game Center with family night bowling. So I showered real quick and headed over to save the night... No trust me I totally did. The lanes were out of control and everything decided to break, haha so it worked out that she called. By 10pm everyone had cleared out and we had an hour just to sit and talk before closing. We talked all about the sorority //// she says, "this is like a whole different world to me! I mean, when I was at Temple Square I had 200 sisters I was responsible for, but there was no drama... If there would have been, I would have died!" I just laughed and said, sometimes you just have to fake it till you make it!!  She didn't know how I did it. /// and looking back on it, I don't know how I did some of the things I did either.

Best part of the night is after talking about all this she was like, "You are sooo different than I thought you would be." Then she told me her first impression of me. I died. Remember the day I was hired it was open mic night and I showed up after it was about over. I was sweaty and nasty from the hale dance and Honu came with me cause I didn't want to go alone. We show up and Honu goes; "Kathryn, this is Kristina, she's going to be working with you now." I look at her and said, "Hi." I felt soooo unbelievably out of place. Kathryn goes, "I didn't even know we were hiring, hiiiii!" OMG kill me. First impression for me: she is blonde...!!! Ooooh Lordy, we are not going to get along... Lets be honest this girl scared the crap out of me. So Honu and I sat there for about 20 minutes and watched some people perform, and then it was over so we left. Kat said, "I thought you were super quite and reserved. She then said, "I loved you when I met you." LIAR! Then she goes, "then we started working together and you started to talk and say things like 'freak balls' and I was like, who is this girl? Hahaha" I just laughed. First impressions are always really funny to me, and this impression I've heard quite a bit. I am not a fan of new situations, and till I know where I stand with people I just meet; and I get to know them a bit, "not being myself" usually is best... Ha! Maybe I should change that.. Thoughts?
Yeah, staying reserved at first is probably a good strategy huh? Thought so. 

So go on, go make your first impressions to be something out of your comfort zone and 'you!' Let me know how it goes...

Until my next first impression,
Kisses from the sea xoxoxoxo

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