Friday, August 9, 2013

just a friday.

It's 7:30pm Friday night... so what in the hell am I doing writing a blog post for? Oh let me just tell you. So my friends tonight, "Hey Kristina, you want to come to the movies with us?" "No guys, I'm making memories with Kathryn, duuuuuh." These fools. So here's the story of why I'm blogging. I come into the library and find Kathryn and tell her about when I left her an hour ago so she could study, I was looking at my phone [Camee and I were face-timing] and I legit tripped over this dudes computer cord that was stretched 7 miles long across the library. I could have died. I go, "glad you didn't see it, it was embarrassing." She goes, "I wish I would have... You should blog about it!" Ha! So here I am.. blogging. My week wasn't that exciting.. buuuut I have gotten so much better at blogging all of my feelings and experiences throughout the weeks, rather than journaling about them; so bare with me.
I know I've already told ya'll about this girl... but she's literally my favorite person I've met, here and I am planning on keeping this one as a forever friend. So its like this. God doesn't just give you the people in your life you want, he gives you the people you need: to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to make you the person you were meant to be. I know this girl came into my life to help me; to learn from her wisdom and stories and to help me grow spiritually and even more emotionally. Also to make me laugh and become an even better listener. The loving part was a given, and yes she is leaving and yes the thought of it is already hurting, but I know that it will not be the end. I can't imagine not meeting this one. I know this is so cheesy, but I literally want to be like her when I grow up. I don't know how I am going to say goodbye to her. But until then, I'll save you the sob story.
I have to work tonight, with her actually, but here's a quick weekly update from your little sister and favorite beach bum. It goes like this. So remember how I dropped Music 101?? Yeah, well stupid idea! I should have just sucked it up. To get a scholarship for the fall, I have to have been enrolled "full-time", which is usually 12 credits... EVERYWHERE! It's Universal. But check-it, universal or not, you have to go 'beyond the call of duty' and be enrolled in 14 credits. So check it, I go to Financial Services and ask them about my scholarship for next semester, and I told them I am enrolled in 15 credits next semester [it's just how it played out] and the lady said, "Are you in 14 this semester?" I said, "yessss......." Thinking about it for a few minutes, I walk out and sit down with a paper and pen and start figuring this out... No, no I wasn't. Because I had dropped Music, I was only in 12. I immediately felt a lump in my throat and wanted to throw-up. I could have died. My Academic Advisor told me I could still get the scholarship even if I dropped music... Now I can't? Just shoot me now.

I didn't know what else to do, so I called my mom right then. My voice is almost back to normal now, but it was still real raspy on Wednesday, and it didn't help that I started sobbing!! I couldn't even say hi, and it didn't help that my mother answered the phone, "Hey, what's wrong?" She knew before I even spoke. Freak, mothers these days. So I told her. She gave me some great advice and I took it. I went and found my Music teacher who was getting in her car and leaving for the day and I begged her to let me back in. She said yes and that she'd email my counselor. I was so relieved.
Paint-Matching our eyes. Mine was a mix of "Old Bronze" & "Guilt Trip"... I personally think they are closer to "Guilt Trip!' Suitable for the occasion.
Right after this traumatic deal, I had my weekly Team Meeting at the Game Center. It went great, better than expected. We are re-modeling the Game Center inside, it's going to be fabulous. The guy in-charge of the re-modeling came in and showed us the paint colors picked out and the ideas we had... Obviously I had something to say about that. They had two colors picked out, this coral color and this dark banana boat yellow... I go, let's retry this, no?! Yeah, okay. So I kept the coral, cause I love it and it's a super beachy color, picked a different lighter yellow and then a really pretty 'egyptian' orange. Seriously. I wanted mint green and the coral... But they fought me on the green cause "it promotes education..." Ummmm we are at school so... Anyways! I was satisfied with the other colors everyone reluctantly had to agree with. Thank you, thank you very much. I then convinced the guy to sand down and re-stain the wood on the front desk and almost had him convinced to tile it! When I was trying to convince him to tile it, I was batting the eye lashes I had left ;) and was using my charm... He stops me straight in the middle of a sentence and asks, "what's your name?" Haha um, "Kristina!" His reply, "you act like a Kristina..." You're welcome, you're welcome very much. I was dying. He then asked where I was from, I said Utah and he looked confused; like my sass didn't make sense. He then said something like, "you get what you want huh?" I replied, "it's my charm and sparkle thats convincing you to do all of this... and yes, it's gotten me far in life." Yes, I actually used the word s p a r k l e. He laughed and said, "you're going to make a good wife." hahaha, you're welcome. So, we decided against the tiling just because the front desk is already so high, it'd be that much higher, so just a sanding and re-stain will be great. But trust me, so much more is going on. Like a new bistro style counter top, stripping of carpet off walls, a built in stage! It's going to be so great, I can't wait. 

So after this long, but necessary meeting, I sat outside and just waited for my teacher to reply to my email I'd sent her after seeing her. She told me she'd send my email to my counselor and let me know... So wishing, waiting, hoping that my life was going to be pulled back together I had 8 minutes till 5pm.. When everything's closing and over for the day, if you know what I mean. And nothing. No email no word. Oh gosh. 

Well I can't remember the rest of the night, and Thursday was a pretty whatever. Oh I had Tahitian that morning. I'm doing alright I think. Alright thats a lie, I think I'm actually doing pretty good. I love it, but its hard! My legs die afterwards but I love, love, love it. Then Kat and I did a "hipster" photo shoot to help out a friend whose in design. I don't have the proofs but heres a few pictures we took on my phone. 
So then went to work that night and Kathryn came in, just cause. We talked and laughed and set up the Karaoke machine to try it out. Good times. Then this morning I woke my butt up nice and early for music class... Walk in, not hearing a thing from my teacher, just hoping it'd be okay, and she goes, "We want to welcome Kristina back to class... Will you give the prayer?" Are you kidding me? I'll give the prayer every morning for the rest of the semester for letting me back in!! Obviously I didn't say that... I said yes, gave the prayer and tried my hardest to not fall asleep in class. Never been so excited to be back in class in my life. 
The rest of the day has been great as well. Went to the beach for a few hours, made a couple Vine videos, and talked to my sister Julia. Oh, remember my co-baby gam, Camee that I mentioned at the first of this post? Yeaaaah, FaceTime date. She goes back out to her mission, Ft. Lauderdale Florida this next Tuesday. She's excited but nervous. Just a little back story, she went to Puerto Rico, got in a bad car accident, was in the hosptial and got transferred to Florida hosptial immediately and then was re-assigned there. Then after 6-weeks there, she came home. She's all recovered now and is on her way back out. I'm so proud of her, no matter what her decision was going to be, and i will definitely miss her for the next 14 months!! She's an amazing girl.
Well, now off to make some more memories with this new fruit cake best friend of mine [I warned you about the Kat and Kristina photo overload this month... sorry 'bout it.]

Enjoy your weekend lover faces.
Until my next memory, 
Kisses from the sea xoxoxoxo 

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