Monday, September 9, 2013

first day.

 Welcome to Fall 2013. Where I am still not graduated from college and this is my 4th time attending a Fall Semester... and I still have one more Fall after this. So... shoot me now and wish me luck cause I do not even know if I will make it through this one
First off, I had an awful dream last night.. so I guess we can say it was a nightmare. I was on a hike with my family and long story short, my baby twin nieces, Samantha and Olivia were there and just toddling around; when I was watching Samantha and she toddled off into the forest... let's just say I could have died.. so when I woke up at 6:40 staring at my roommate who was also awake, I was relieved and yet not. Relieved it was just a nightmare, and yet completely d r e a d i n g getting up for school today. Alarm was not even set to go off till 7:30, with my first class starting at 8:40 this morning. After laying their dreading the day ahead, I finally crawled out of bed, got ready and headed to breakfast with my roomies. And then you know, off to my first class thinking the whole time, "that supposed 10 day break [a weekend on each end] was not long enough."  
For those of you who read this, but don't really care... here's the breakdown anyway: I have back to back Psychology classes [being that I am a Psych Minor] which will be hard but good. Especially my first teacher, Dr. Miller. We don't only have a textbook, but 3 additional books we have to read and write weekly 3-page journal entries on... Um, this is why I am not a psych major... so why a psych minor? I do not know either... So right after Behavioral and then Cultural Psych, it's Book of Mormon II. Luckily, Marissa [my roomie from Summer A] and I are in the same class, so that will be fun. 
I then have a 2 1/2 hour break before my much dreaded 60 minutes of death Chemistry. Seriously. Die. It's gonna be hard and in my professor's syllabus it says, "This is a HARD class. But you can do HARD things." I was thinking to myself, "yeah, a few.. but not when you have other hard classes and an impossible class!" I'm trying to be positive... let's be forreal I'm not, so any tips of encouragement is much appreciated, thanks.

Then I am done for the day by 3:30. Then work at 5 if scheduled, but luckily I was not today.

Tomorrow I have my dreaded 3 hour other death Chemistry lab. So look forward to me maybe being alive after that.. if I am I will probably be crying in a corner. Frick I love school so much.

I studied all afternoon and of course had to get some faceyy time in. It's still the first day, I had a little time... Hm, not really, but seriously, I've always got time for the people I love.
compliments of my roomie creeping on me. 
If I do not die after the first week, you will hear about it.
Sorry about the whining... but seriously... 

Kisses from across the sea xoxxxx

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