Monday, September 22, 2014

Maunawili Falls

Went to Maunawili Falls this last weekend! It was AWESOME! Tons of mud hiking through the jungle, but it was well worth it. I went with two of my roommates and our friend Dan (who has a car, awesome)! It was a great time! Definitely worth the mud and bugs to see this pretty waterfall and swim in the watering hole for a little bit! Love where I live. 
 Sorry no videos, I couldn't get them to play more than like 2 seconds. I am going to have to figure that out. But I have been sending videos to a few people, so if you are interested just let me know and I will add you on my email list when I email them out. Hope you're having a great week! I just finished writing my first thesis paper for the semester on Romeo and Juliet. Yay! 11 more weeks of school for me for the semester! Kisses from the sea xoxox

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