Saturday, April 16, 2011

Carnival Lights!

The Carnival came to Hurricane over the weekend! It was so random and no one knows why it came--but that it just all of the sudden showed up and set-up in the movie theater parking lot. Chase took me after we took my residents to Charley Brown. We had so much fun! We got stamps-- so we could go all the rides as many times as we wanted. However, after the first ride, I did not know how I was going to survive the rest of the night!! I did not tell him then, but I was so nausea and dizzy I thought there is no way I am I can do this for another hour. {I do not do well on carnival rides, never have} At work, I thought, I am going to skip dinner and maybe that will help when we go on rides... Yet, the only difference it made was that nothing came up-- no difference in that I felt as nausea as a sea captain! I couldn't see straight! Nevertheless, I sucked it up and went on all the rides, a couple of them even twice! I really did have fun & I think Chase did as well. We even won  me a little stuffed frog. :) Ultimately the lesson learned here, is if I ever go to a carnival again, I am taking some Dramamine on the way.

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