Thursday, July 14, 2011

Family Road Trip (:

Dear ipod, you saved my life today. The 14-hour drive to Omaha would have been impossible without you. Listening to my parents hideous old music was not an option {no offense mom} And the way my father drives-- sleeping for long periods of time wasn't really one either. . . Let's just say it was a horribly long drive and Jared and I will be forever grateful for you. Thanks for providing entertainment of pop, soft rock and today's favorite country jams. We will forever be indebted to you.
 Sincerly, bored outta their mind, sick of driving children (:

Yes people, we went to Omaha for our family summer vacation!! If it wasn't for my sisters showing me such a great time a few weeks ago {& pretty much being in-love with all three them} I'm sure we would've been traveling out West. . .  But because of the reasons mentioned above, as well as missing them every single day--when the opportunity of a vacation came up. . . I was definitely pushing for going East. :)
Even though it was long and a little cramped, my mother kept reminding us how we think the pioneers would've felt pulling handcarts through this part of the country? We would then shut-up for another hour or two & then complain again. While snail trailing it through Wyoming I told my parents that Wyoming was hands down the ugliest state in America. I then fell asleep and when I woke up my mom says, "this scenery a little bit better, isn't it honey?" I looked and saw rolling green hills and various deciduous trees and said, "ya mom, we're in Nebraska. . ."

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